angular-slider / ngx-slider

Self-contained, mobile friendly slider component for Angular based on angularjs-slider
MIT License
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feature request: heatmap indicator / slider histogram #201

Open ismail-codinglab opened 3 years ago

ismail-codinglab commented 3 years ago


It would be a nice to have a heatmap indicator. to help the user with the 'guessing game'


Example if you would price a product or set a price range, you would like to know how much potential hits you would get searching for it. With the indicator you can easily find the best range for the most matches. And you would know which range would give you (close to) no results


Example 1 image

Example 2 image

Example 3 image

Example 4 image

As seen on:

piotrdz commented 3 years ago

I'll see what I can do.

Zer0SkiLL commented 3 years ago

i'd appreciate such a feature

arpitnarechania commented 2 years ago

Hello! @piotrdz, is there an update / plan on this feature request?

AlekseiPinchuk commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone! Any updates for this?