angular-split / angular-split

🍌 Angular UI library to split views and allow dragging to resize areas using CSS flexbox layout.
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Transition to Angular Standalone Components in Favor of Angular Modules #378

Open Jefiozie opened 4 months ago

Jefiozie commented 4 months ago

To align with modern Angular development practices, we propose migrating our project to use Angular Standalone Components. This transition aims to simplify our application architecture, improve modularity, and enhance developer experience.

Harpush commented 4 months ago

As a non breaking change first phase - we can transition to standalone but remain with an exported module importing and re-exporting the standalone components/directives.

One other concern is we currently have multiple directives and components that are needed for the split to function. How will end users import those in a "bundle"? If I remember correctly exporting a const array still doesn't work from libraries.

Jefiozie commented 4 months ago

I agree on the fact that we can easily do both for the current version. And when we bump to a major version remove the module.

About the question, yes there is a problem with the import of standalone CMP /directives with an array. But there is also a workaround, we can use the spread operator to still import them. There is an ongoing issue that will fix the array without a spread operator.

Harpush commented 1 month ago

Just adding that we should introduce provideAngularSplit or provideAngularSplitOptions to allow using ANGULAR_SPLIT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS easier.