I run Win 7 64bit / ST3 2032, and there is a problem while indexing the definitions:
walk_dirs does not parse excluded directories correctly. In walk_dirs, in this line, you have a unix style slash:
if not [skip for skip in self.kwargs['exclude_dirs'] if path + '/' + skip in r]:
It tries to index all it finds in node_modules, and then fails because it cannot find the first .js file it finds:
Exception in thread Thread-7:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "X/threading.py", line 639, in _bootstrap_inner
File "C:\...\AngularJS-sublime-package\AngularJS-sublime-package.py", line 347, in run
File "C:\...\AngularJS-sublime-package\AngularJS-sublime-package.py", line 370, in walk_dirs
self.parse_file(_file, r, match_expressions)
File "C:\...\AngularJS-sublime-package\AngularJS-sublime-package.py", line 405, in parse_file
_file = codecs.open(r+'/'+file_path)
File "X/codecs.py", line 884, in open
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\PROJECT_ROOT\\node_modules\\generator-angular\\node_modules\\yeoman-generator\\node_modules\\bower\\node_modules\\request\\node_modules\\form-data\\node_modules\\combined-stream\\node_modules\\delayed-stream\\test\\integration/test-delayed-http-upload.js'
Note that the last slash before the file is a unix-style slash, while all others are correct. This is a problem in parse_file, because it does:
_file = codecs.open(r+'/'+file_path)
So it's two bugs, with one common cause:
exclude_dirs is ignored by walk_dirs
Windows slashes are ignored parse_file
because of unix / win path separator mismatch
Additionally, I get the same exception when a value in exclude_dirs has a trailing slash at the end, as in the default "node_modules/"
Sorry I repeated myself so often, I tracked this down iteratively
I solved these issues by using os.sep and os.path.normpath. Not sure if this is the best way, might create a pull request later
I run Win 7 64bit / ST3 2032, and there is a problem while indexing the definitions:
walk_dirs does not parse excluded directories correctly. In walk_dirs, in this line, you have a unix style slash:
It tries to index all it finds in node_modules, and then fails because it cannot find the first .js file it finds:
Note that the last slash before the file is a unix-style slash, while all others are correct. This is a problem in parse_file, because it does:
_file = codecs.open(r+'/'+file_path)
So it's two bugs, with one common cause: exclude_dirs is ignored by walk_dirs Windows slashes are ignored parse_file
because of unix / win path separator mismatch
Additionally, I get the same exception when a value in exclude_dirs has a trailing slash at the end, as in the default "node_modules/"
Sorry I repeated myself so often, I tracked this down iteratively
I solved these issues by using os.sep and os.path.normpath. Not sure if this is the best way, might create a pull request later