angular-ui / bootstrap-bower

This is a bower repository to hold Angular UI Bootstrap releases.
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Separate bower packages for modules #18

Open vhpoet opened 10 years ago

vhpoet commented 10 years ago

Let's say I wanna use ui.bootstrap.popover and ui.bootstrap.tooltip without anything else. The only way right now is to copy those modules in a separate file and store it in my projects repo, which is problematic because I will need to update it manually each time you change anything on them.

What if you setup bower packages for each module with their dependencies?

joshdmiller commented 10 years ago

Actually, you can create a custom build containing only the modules you need right from the website. Go to and click "Create a Build". You'd have to do this with each release, but the overhead is small.

However, for logistical reasons, I would opt against publishing to several different bower endpoints due to high administrative overhead. Also, it would not reflect the many combinations people would make. For example, popover requires tooltip so if someone included both they would get tooltip included twice, which will cause errors.

But I'll let my compatriots weigh in too.

vhpoet commented 10 years ago

You're right, creating a build from a website may take less time, but the problem of automation is still there.

Duplicate inclusion problem may disappear by not having any bower dependencies, so for example if you wanna include popover, please at first include the tooltip.

I know this is not a perfect solution, and I'm not a fan of having bower-* angular-ui repos for each module, but it will at least let us automate things.

ajoslin commented 10 years ago

It's in the works. There is a PR opened for it, but we have other things to merge in first.

vhpoet commented 10 years ago

Cool, thanks.

mhelvens commented 10 years ago

I don't understand the dependency problem here. Just have 'popover' depend on 'tooltip' through bower. No duplication necessary. That's what bower is for. (Dependencies are not bad. They are good.)

paveleremin commented 9 years ago

+1 for use separate modules: for example I need ONLY pagination for my application, so I don't want load all modules. Is it available now with bower?

rgnevashev commented 9 years ago


paveleremin commented 9 years ago

I found the solution:

bower install angular-ui-bootstrap --save

this command work for me. Then in index.html file add

<script src="../bower_components/angular-ui-bootstrap/src/pagination/pagination.js"></script>

but I believe, that the project didn't required separate repo with the bower.js file

rgnevashev commented 9 years ago

I use the following bower i angular-ui-bootstrap --save grunt build:pagination:carousel:dropdown and copy the file dist /...- tpls.js in my project

eugef commented 8 years ago


pdemanget commented 8 years ago

I did this but this is so bad: bower install --save or bower install --save

the paveleremin solution doesn't work (anymore ?) the module files are not published, can't you just publish the module files? I think it was the case before.

GuiToniello commented 8 years ago
