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typeahead-popup-template-url with webpack #6494

Open randspy opened 7 years ago

randspy commented 7 years ago


I am migrating an angular (1.6.2) app from gulp to webpack 2. I am using angular-ui-bootstrap with typeahead-popup-template-url attribute. It looks like


How can I use it with webpack? I am getting an error message :

Error: [$compile:tpload] Failed to load template: app/somePathHere/custom-popup.html

I don't think it is a matter of path. Tried all combinations I could think of. Plus when I migrate angular components I replace

templateUrl : 'app/somePathHere/some-component.html',


template : require('./some-component.html'),

Could it be something similar? Is there a special syntax? I was not able to find anything on internet. And no response on stack overflow.

Angular: 1.6.2 angular-ui-bootstrap: 2.5.0

Best regards

SharpieX commented 7 years ago

@randspy I am doing same moving to webpack and I am having same problem with datepicker-popup-template-url

No response on gitter as well

bastienmoulia commented 7 years ago

Have you try to overwrite the default template ? But this will change all typeahead not just one.

$templateCache.put("uib/template/typeahead/typeahead-popup.html", require("./some-component.html"));
WVWillHall commented 7 years ago

Here is an example where I am using a custom template in my webpack project. I am not using external files but placing the template in a script tag with a unique id.

don't mind my jade...

  script(type='text/ng-template' id='search-tab-template.html').
    <li ng-class="[{active: active, disabled: disabled}, classes]" class="uib-tab nav-item">
      <a href="javascript:void(0);" ng-click=" === true ? this.$parent.$ : select($event)" class="nav-link" uib-tab-heading-transclude>{{heading}}</a>
uib-tab(index="0" heading="{$Flight Details$$}" template-url="search-tab-template.html")

btw, thats how you make active tabs toggleable. Took a while, so good share imo - (4) is just index of a tab that does not exist.

randspy commented 7 years ago

The first solution from @bastienmoulia works for me. I have not noticed any side effects yet. I have not tried the second one yet, but it looks interesting.

Still, it would be interesting to know if there is a no hacking solution.

SharpieX commented 7 years ago

@randspy can you tell what exactly you did kinda new with web here

randspy commented 7 years ago

It is working for me only because I use typeahead only once in the application. I hope it is clear.

angular.module('myModule').run(['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) {

web-dave commented 7 years ago

Hi, came over with the same problem. I have a number of TypeAhead with diffrent custom Templates. Yes I could put them in the public folder (my assets) and serve them, but i want webpack to bundle them. So how can this be managed?

tonybranfort commented 6 years ago

This is how I got mine to work but I'm hoping someone can suggest a better solution.

Add to webpack.config.js:

  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        filename: "assets/knn-client-search-typeahead.html",
        inject: false

And in the template:

mlg87 commented 6 years ago

avoiding the templateCache with webpack will lead to better performance, so i recommend avoiding that. @tonybranfort 's solution seems like it would be similar to using the templateCache, but at least one wouldn't have all templates served via the templateCache. i think putting the template for the typeahead inline (or in the same file and then referencing) is the way to go - performance wise

mlg87 commented 6 years ago

fwiw, @WVWillHall 's solution works like a charm

BenLayet commented 5 years ago

Using @WVWillHall solution for tabs, here is a working example for typeahead:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="ticker-input-custom-template.html">
    <ul class='dropdown-menu' ng-show='isOpen() && !moveInProgress' ng-style="{top: position().top+'px', left: position().left+'px'}" role='listbox' aria-hidden='{{!isOpen()}}'>
        <li ng-repeat='match in matches track by $index' ng-class='{active: isActive($index) }' ng-mouseenter='selectActive($index)' ng-click='selectMatch($index, $event)' role='option' id='{{}}'> 
            <div uib-typeahead-match index='$index' match='match' query='query' template-url='templateUrl'></div> 
<input type="text" ng-model="tickerInput.typedText"
       uib-typeahead="option.ticker as option.value for option in tickerInput.options | filter:{value:$viewValue}"
       class="form-control input-text-ticker icon-search" placeholder="ticker" typeahead-popup-template-url="ticker-input-custom-template.html"

In this example I have copied the original template inside the "text/ng-template" script, named it with a custom id id="ticker-input-custom-template.html", and just added typeahead-popup-template-url="ticker-input-custom-template.html" to the typeahead input. You can then modify the template as you wish. No need to create a separate file for the template, no need to change the template cache or do anything else in the component controller.