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Possibly unhandled rejection: cancel error when closing modal #6501

Open eassa opened 7 years ago

eassa commented 7 years ago

after upgrading to angularjs 1.6.3 every time i close modal using : "$uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel');" i get console error :

Possibly unhandled rejection: cancel

the same when i close the modal clicking outside of it , it tells me

Possibly unhandled rejection: backdrop click

branimir93 commented 7 years ago


mdarveau commented 7 years ago

The problem is that, as the doc says: result (Type: promise) - Is resolved when a modal is closed and rejected when a modal is dismissed. I think dialog dismiss should not be handled with promise rejection as this is not an error.

xts-velkumars commented 7 years ago

I'm also facing the similar issue like eassa, is there any solution for this?

jasonvoirin commented 7 years ago


mdarveau commented 7 years ago

The way I handle it is:

}).result.catch(function(res) {
  if (!(res === 'cancel' || res === 'escape key press')) {
    throw res;

This basically swallow the cancelled or escape key rejection.

jasonvoirin commented 7 years ago

Here was my solution.... uibModalInstance.result.catch(function () { uibModalInstance.close(); })

roger2hk commented 7 years ago

Make sure you have the second function argument (cancel one) to avoid the warning message.

modalInstance.result.then(function() {
  // Success    
}, function() {
  // Cancel
greatsayan commented 7 years ago

For me I solved it using: this.$uibModalInstance.close(false); instead of this.$uibModalInstance.dismiss("cancel");

raxityo commented 7 years ago

@greatsayan I believe you'd still get unhandled rejection upon clicking outside the modal to dismiss.

greatsayan commented 7 years ago

@raxityo No because I disabled this feature! the user cannot close the modal by clicking outside of it

JavyMB commented 7 years ago

@greatsayan thanks!

AnalyzePlatypus commented 7 years ago

Getting bitten by this on AngularJS 1.6.4 with UI-Bootstrap 2.5.0 I use @jasonvoirin's solution.

AlexKichkailo commented 7 years ago

as a quick fix the following worked for me:

    .config(['$provide', function ($provide) {
        $provide.decorator("$exceptionHandler", ['$delegate', '$injector', function ($delegate, $injector) {
            return function (exception, cause) {
                var exceptionsToIgnore = ['Possibly unhandled rejection: backdrop click', 'Possibly unhandled rejection: cancel', 'Possibly unhandled rejection: escape key press']
                if (exceptionsToIgnore.indexOf(exception) >= 0) {
                $delegate(exception, cause);                    
JewelsJLF commented 6 years ago

This works well:

}).result.catch(function (resp) {
    if (['cancel', 'backdrop click', 'escape key press'].indexOf(resp) === -1) throw resp;
ArtemBahmat commented 6 years ago

The answers above work only for single rejection. But what is if there are several hundreds ones in the project? The simple answer is to set errorOnUnhandledRejections to false in config (by default it's true), such as: qProvider.errorOnUnhandledRejections(false); URL:$qProvider

AlexKichkailo commented 6 years ago

@ArtemBahmat, I would not recommend setting errorOnUnhandledRejections to false. You will end up setting it to true again because of swallowed errors in promises. Unless you're sure that all rejections in your application are properly handled.

A better way is to implement a global $exceptionHandler where you can decide whether you want to log exception and raise an error or skip the rejection.

adityaadhikari15 commented 6 years ago

@JewelsJLF Thanks . It works Well đź‘Ť

omostan commented 6 years ago

With AngularJs v1.6.6, I just use:


This worked for me.

ZackKnopp commented 6 years ago

For a background on what causes these errors, why you want to avoid setting errorOnUnhandledRejections to false and how to properly handle them see this link:

auginator commented 6 years ago

I will just add what worked for me many times when using version 2.01: The error can be avoided by using this syntax for handling the promise rejection by $uibModalInstance.dismiss():

     // Use this style to avoid the warning :) 
      var modalInstance = $…);
        // use promise.resolve(result) from .close()
      }, function(result){
        // handle promise.reject(), or leave method empty to do nothing, whatever!

The more verbose syntax will throw the warning – however the .then & .catch methods will still work:

     // This style will result in warning :/
      var modalInstance = $…);
        // use promise.resolve(result) from .close()
        // This will still work, but you will get an error
        // handle promise.reject(), or leave method empty to do nothing, whatever!