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no-results is not updated if user lose focus #6607

Open trunghaiy opened 6 years ago

trunghaiy commented 6 years ago

Bug description:

The option no-results is not updated if the user lose focus on typeahead.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. I used typeahead to fetch remote data
  2. I type some words that do not exist on the remote data. the variable which is bind to no-results is false
  3. While the request is sending, I click outside of the typeahead element
  4. After the request finish, the variable which is bind to no-results does not change, it sill false. It should be true.

My use case

I used no-results option to show a help text there is a no matched result, you can enter to create a new one.

Version of Angular, UIBS, and Bootstrap

Angular: 1.5.11

UIBS: 2.2.0

Bootstrap: 3.3.4