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[BUG] UIBS 2.5 UibModal doesn't close correctly #6642

Open Oowaay opened 6 years ago

Oowaay commented 6 years ago

Bug description:

Hello, I got some trouble with uib modal, Sometimes, it's totally random, when I close modal using $uibModalInstance.close(smth) method, it doesn't close properly. I saw lot's of the same issue but can't find the same setup as mine. And as a said it's totally random, i can't reproduce it to make it work 100%.

Link to minimally-working plunker that reproduces the issue:

Here's a plunker reproducing my issue with older version, I don't want to use older version of angular or UIBS

Steps to reproduce the issue:

Here's my code: Call modal Method:

var modalInstance = ${
                    animation: true,
                    controller: 'ModalInfoMouvementCtrl',
                    templateUrl: '/otawa/infomouvement',
                    size: 'lg',
                    backdrop: 'static',
                    keyboard: true,
                    resolve: {
                        param: function () {
                            return { mouvement: mvt };
                modalInstance.result.then(function (mvt) {
                    if (mvt != null) {
                        var respa = mouvementSrv.getMouvementById(;
                        respa.then(function (response) {
                            var mvt = convertMouvementData(;
                            $scope.listMouvement[index] = mvt;
                            $scope.selectedmvt = null;
                        }, function (err, status) {
                            $toastr.error(, 'Erreur');
                }, function () {

Closing method on other Controller :

  $scope.close = function (mvt) {

Calling modal on button click, then when i finish to fill my form inside the modal, it fade out but I can't click anywhere, and if I inspect HTML i can see the modal HTML. image

Set animation false do not solve the bug.

Any suggestion of what could be wrong ?

Version of Angular, UIBS, and Bootstrap

Angular: 1.5.6 Angular Animate : 1.5.6

UIBS: 2.5.0

Bootstrap: 3.3.7

pjsvis commented 6 years ago

I am having a similar issue trying to close a component modal in Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit). Here is what I see in the sources window:


I think this version of Chrome sees this.close as trying to close the window. I am using controllerAs: 'vm' and when I change this.close to vm.close the problem goes away.

pjsvis commented 6 years ago

On IE 11 V11.0.46 I get the following with this.close


In Firefox V56.0.1 (64-bit) I get


I am pretty sure that this.close used to be ok! Not anymore though!