angular-ui / builder

Build server for angular-ui
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The goal #1

Open 0x-r4bbit opened 11 years ago

0x-r4bbit commented 11 years ago

Hey @ajoslin, now what's the actual goal of this repo? Would like to push this thing forward, but I don't get the goal of it. Maybe I'm too dumb to get it.

pkozlowski-opensource commented 11 years ago

@PascalPrecht this is a builder that can be used to create a smaller distribution of the angular-ui libraries. It is used by for example (check the " Create a Build" button).

0x-r4bbit commented 11 years ago

Ah okay got it! So how about getting rid of the submodules and switch over to bower components?

ProLoser commented 11 years ago

We actually need a universal solution that would work for AngularUI too.

pkozlowski-opensource commented 11 years ago

@ProLoser agreed. Here in angular-ui we've got substantial experience delivering reusable directives and we should build on this.

@PascalPrecht I think that we all agree with Bower being a general direction for the future. But there are still some major PITAS with it and we need to push this thing forward.

I would really propose to focus on the spec for AngularJS modules and make sure that whatever gets decided can work for Angular-UI as the whole.

ProLoser commented 11 years ago

I've been putting additional focus on splitting AngularUI apart and making all modules pass tests, however I have not had time to tackle teh documentation. Quite frankly at this point since we don't have a good docs builder to use across the board, I feel like perhaps I should just manually setup all the demo pages, but I've been frustratingly wondering what this new docs site should look like.

ajoslin commented 11 years ago

+1 on waiting for the module spec, but yeah I think Bower components are the way to go for the future.