angular-ui / ui-calendar

A complete AngularJS directive for the Arshaw FullCalendar.
MIT License
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Events are not rendered #518

Open slishnevsky opened 6 years ago

slishnevsky commented 6 years ago

Events are not rendered.

where events are defined in controller (vm) as (from the demo):

events: [ { title: 'All Day Event', start: '2017-09-01' }, { title: 'Long Event', start: '2017-09-07', end: '2017-09-10' }, { id: 999, title: 'Repeating Event', start: '2017-09-09T16:00:00' }, { id: 999, title: 'Repeating Event', start: '2017-09-16T16:00:00' }, { title: 'Conference', start: '2017-09-11', end: '2017-09-13' }, { title: 'Meeting', start: '2017-09-12T10:30:00', end: '2017-09-12T12:30:00' }, { title: 'Lunch', start: '2017-09-12T12:00:00' }, { title: 'Meeting', start: '2017-09-12T14:30:00' }, { title: 'Happy Hour', start: '2017-09-12T17:30:00' }, { title: 'Dinner', start: '2017-09-12T20:00:00' }, { title: 'Birthday Party', start: '2017-09-13T07:00:00' }, { title: 'Click for Google', url: '', start: '2017-09-28' } ]

oleks-fedotov commented 6 years ago

What solved problem for me - remove and add events source(directly on the jquery plugin):

uiCalendarConfig.calendars[$scope.calendarName].fullCalendar('addEventSource', $;