angular-ui / ui-calendar2

Angular Native Calendar, inspired by ui-calendar
MIT License
13 stars 12 forks source link

Todo for first build #1

Open zackarychapple opened 9 years ago

zackarychapple commented 9 years ago


zackarychapple commented 9 years ago

@Urigo want to have a chat about this?

zackarychapple commented 9 years ago

@miketierney, here is the re-write I was talking about.

ProLoser commented 9 years ago

I think you guys should tackle month view and the other views separately, perhaps even as separate directives. The buttons are super simple matters of ng-if logic. The key is to make a service or session that spans everything that provides a data api only and contains no view logic. Then implement it in the templates.

ProLoser commented 9 years ago

If you think about it in terms of visuals and not in traditional terms, you have an overall day view and an hourly view. The hourly view is potentially going to have multiple columns, which could be the other 6 days of the week, or even things like availability of conference rooms or coworker schedules.

If you build simple api methods to move the day pointer around, filter a range of events, and adding /removing /watching you have a lot of the data work covered.

Tackle visual layouts separately from data logic and give people building blocks so they can put together a calendar however they want. Then simply "prepackage" a few templates that combine these components in the fairly common arrangement.

Don't go about building one super directive with thousands of convoluted options and toggles. Build modular components and show "examples" of how easy it is to arrange them yourself to look just like the original

Urigo commented 9 years ago

@zackarychapple Would love a chat!

zackarychapple commented 9 years ago

@ProLoser very much like the way you think. @Urigo is there a part that you would like to tackle?

Urigo commented 9 years ago

@zackarychapple I have to say that a lot of that stuff are already tackled with the datepicker..

zackarychapple commented 9 years ago

@Urigo thats why I'm using some of that code to help get it started, any thoughts on a good part you want to tackle?

everythingspirals commented 9 years ago

I would also be interested in contributing

crrdev01 commented 9 years ago

@zackarychapple I'd love to chat more about this project. I'm currently working on an app that uses fullcalendar.

ballerabdude commented 9 years ago

Should it be built for angular 2 since it will be out in about 6 months. It would suck if the project didn't work for angular 2. FYI I have not messed around with angular 2 yet so I might be wrong.

ssherriff commented 8 years ago

Not sure what the plan is with this project, but I'd be interested in helping to contribute. I'm working on a project that uses full calendar and angular, but would love to help create an angular native version.

ProLoser commented 8 years ago

I don't know what happened to @zackarychapple, @crrdev01 @ssherriff do you guys want me to add you as collaborators to the repo? You'd essentially be undertaking all of it yourselves, although I can provide guidances and advice regarding code review and architecture.

ssherriff commented 8 years ago

I'd like to help, but I don't have much experience with complete Angular libraries, so I'd definitely need help making sure the code and architecture was correct. I've done some full stack development including AngularJS but my background is in Java. I've done UIs with Angular and I've created directives, etc and understand all of that, but of course with something like this I'd want to make sure what I'm doing is actually the correct way. If that's all okay, I'm in.

PowerKiKi commented 8 years ago

@ssherriff if you need inspiration I'd say ui-grid is now a mature project. It seems to me that it is "big" enough and working well enough to be taken as an example. For instance the docs is very well made. There is probably a few ideas from that project worth investigating...

ssherriff commented 8 years ago

Thanks @PowerKiKi I'll have a look.