adjustColumns now calculates the colIndex instead of guessing it with scrollpercentage
this is fixing #3527
Use Case: grid has 100 columns, the first column is enlarged to 50% of grid width, it is scrolled to the middle(50%)
previously: assumes that all columns have the same width; 50% of 100 columns is 50 -> colIndex is set to 50; if excessColumns isn't high enough(default is 4) the cached Columns begin at Index 46
now: accumulates the drawnWidth of all columns till 50%(or whatever left position it has) and returns the index of the column which reached the treshold -> colIndex is set to 0; the cached Columns begin at Index 0
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Use Case: grid has 100 columns, the first column is enlarged to 50% of grid width, it is scrolled to the middle(50%)
previously: assumes that all columns have the same width; 50% of 100 columns is 50 -> colIndex is set to 50; if excessColumns isn't high enough(default is 4) the cached Columns begin at Index 46
now: accumulates the drawnWidth of all columns till 50%(or whatever left position it has) and returns the index of the column which reached the treshold -> colIndex is set to 0; the cached Columns begin at Index 0