Open nmccready opened 9 years ago
I do not think this needs to be requested as an individual directive. All of them need to be renamed to lf-whatever. The only directive to stay the same would be leaflet itself.
This is a backlog ticket that got lost in #535
From @adgoncal on October 26, 2015 16:42
TLDR; "controls" is a boolean attribute of the HTML5 video element and I think the controls directive should be namespaced to lf-controls, similar to what was done with lf-center (#914).
Long story: I just ran into an issue where my custom controls would show up in development, but not in production. I am minifying my html for production using jonschlinkert/gulp-htmlmin, which uses kangax/html-minifier. I had the option "collapseBooleanAttributes" set to true, so when the html was minified the controls attribute had its value omitted.
This happens because the HTML5 video element has a boolean attribute called controls and the html-minifier library is using a very general regular expression to check for boolean attributes. One may argue that this is an issue with html-minifier, but I still think it would be good to namespace the controls directive.
Copied from original issue: tombatossals/angular-leaflet-directive#1005