Open nmccready opened 9 years ago
If anyone knows existing plugin frameworks (javascript) that help iterate over prototype functionality to extend classes .. let me know. Otherwise I am thinking of writing a basic ES6 lib that does this. Then I plan on having a angularjs wrapper to wrap this lib.
@jessertaylor @elesdoar @zacronos @simison open to comments for sure!
See also for inspiration.
Yes, I agree,
Tagging @sindresorhus to see if he has any suggestions as I consider him a expert. I would love to know if he has any suggestions before I one off something.
Also @mourner
TL;DR — we're looking for a way to let people easily extend angular-leaflet with plugins. Any good examples / libraries out there?
The way ui-grid have done it may be a good example?
"Plugin architecture allows you to use only the features you need"
However, instead of the plugins being in the same repo (like ui-grid), maybe they should be in their own and available via bower, for example
bower install ui-leaflet-label
This would be a fork of, but with a separate angular part as part of the plugin which is the part which interacts with ui-leaflet (thus keeping the bloat down and making sure the core of ui-leaflet is kept as simple and clean as possible). This may also mean we could keep the plugins in sync (I think) with the original if they're still being maintained, else we can maintain the fork.
I agree that the plugins should not be in the repo, but available from other repos. That way issues like #117 could be solved by writing a plugin for that API - instead of modifying ui-leaflet.
@jessertaylor I agree with you, I am just trying to think about the code/internal implementation. At a high high level I think we all agree.
Yes, I did give ui-grid as an example but have not had time to give it a proper look over, what do you think?
Looking at it now; conceptually it looks good; but with all the features being in the repo I do not agree with that. We can have a few features locally as examples but I think the majority should be totally separate. Where we load from a specified angular service. IE it is the users choice on how to fill up that service.
@jessertaylor your suggested way via ui-grid looks pretty good. Where I think most of the hook in to the core is via .
So in marker label case.
So basically we would extend our leaflet markers options which right now is "markers". If on registering a new option definition that has an identical signature; like addMarkers
basically push that functionality in an execution chain to be called with the same args.
Here is an example of a completely standalone directive which extends our base leaflet directive. This can be in a separate repo:
directiveName = 'lfDraw'
.config ($provide, nemDebugProvider) ->
debug = nemDebugProvider.debug
log = debug("config:#{directiveName}")
$provide.decorator 'leafletDirective', ($delegate) ->
directive = $delegate[0]
directive.scope[directiveName] = '=?' #the way it should be
#the above should derrive $$isolateBindings this without the below hack
#workaround from
directive.$$isolateBindings[directiveName] =
attrName: directiveName
mode: '='
optional: true
# log directive.scope
log $delegate
.directive directiveName, (leafletLogger, leafletData, leafletHelpers, leafletIterators) ->
$log = leafletLogger
isDefined = leafletHelpers.isDefined
errorHeader = leafletHelpers.errorHeader
restrict: 'A'
scope: false
replace: false
require: ['leaflet']
link: (scope, element, attrs, controller) ->
mapController = controller[0]
leafletScope = mapController.getLeafletScope()
_featureGroup = undefined
leafletScope.$watchCollection directiveName, ->
#TODO Watch options and recreate control
options = leafletScope[directiveName] or {}
mapController.getMap().then (map) ->
if _featureGroup
map.removeLayer _featureGroup
if !isDefined L.Control.Draw
$log.error "#{errorHeader} Leaflet.Draw is not loaded as a plugin."
if !isDefined(options.edit) or !isDeinfed(options.edit.featureGroup)
angular.extend options,
featureGroup: new L.FeatureGroup()
_featureGroup = options.edit.featureGroup
drawControl = new L.Control.Draw options
#TODO Add in event handling via extending leafletEvents for leafletDrawEvents
This is not ready, but it shows an idea. I will keep flushing this out in house before I cut a repo.
Damn in testing this, extending scope does not get picked up due to this bug
Modified code above to make it work via hack noted in the url previous to this..
I already did, but using a module decorator should not be necessary.
The current implementation of supporting plugins is very monolithic and puts a lot of complexity into the core of ui-leaflet. Myself and @jessertaylor are proposing we de-scope ui-leaflet and come up with a more plugin framework approach so that we can decorate directives, services, and or factories.
This would put more responsibility on individual repos looking to extend the features of what we provide in house.