angular-ui / ui-mask

Mask on an input field so the user can only type pre-determined pattern
MIT License
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Uimask changes min max lentgh of ng-minlength #209

Open caneraydinbey opened 7 years ago

caneraydinbey commented 7 years ago
<div layout="column">
    <md-input-container class="md-block" flex-gt-sm>
        <label translate>Company Phone</label>
        <input name="companyPhoneNumber"
               md-maxlength="11" />

        <div ng-messages="form.companyPhoneNumber.$error" ng-if="form.companyPhoneNumber.$dirty"
             role="alert" ng-messages-multiple>
            <div ng-message="md-maxlength">
                <span translate translate-values="{length:11}">global.messages.error.max</span>
            <div ng-message="minlength">
                <span translate translate-values="{length:11}">global.messages.error.min</span>
            <div ng-message-exp="['required', 'pattern']">
                <span translate>global.messages.error.phoneNumber</span>

it shows this

it shows 14 chars but i did not fill anything.

they are overlaping

I want to show only string. But when user clicks, it should write 54343 into that field.

And it should only put 11 chars. Not 14.

So using text input 2 times is better idea?

my mask normally has


11 char but it also counts

( ) and - so it becomes 14. but they are not char