angular-ui / ui-router

The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
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ui-sref does not work until your refresh the page. #3803

Closed richie50 closed 3 years ago

richie50 commented 4 years ago

This issue tracker is for Bug Reports and Feature Requests only.

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My version of UI-Router is: (type version) angular version 1.7.9 angular-router 0.4.2

Bug Report

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In the template

<a ui-sref="some-route"> My route</a>

route config state('some-route' , { url:'/route', cache:false view: { 'details': "template.html" }

That is the basic setup. What happens is , i'm trying to authenticate a user and if the user provides an invalid credentials i basically stay on the same page with a notification message from the back end. But when that happens and the page doesn't refresh i can't click on the tag with the ui-sref directive. Its this a known issue. Because it seems i'm wasting my time. The code was inherited })

christopherthielen commented 4 years ago

It's not a known issue. I'd be happy to take a look if you provide a minimal reproduction (as requested in the issue template).

richie50 commented 4 years ago

@christopherthielen i'm currently swarmed right now but i will try my best to reproduce via stackblitz or plunkr in the next coming days. Cheers

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

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