angular-ui / ui-select

AngularJS-native version of Select2 and Selectize
MIT License
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Incorrect positioning when using append-to-body and scrolling parent element relative to the body #1490

Open gpeshans opened 8 years ago

gpeshans commented 8 years ago

I have a ui-select element inside a container element that has a scroll bar. When the select is open and I start to scroll, the select element remains on the same position and doesn't re-position itself. This happens cause it is appended to the body and we scroll the container element that is positioned relative to the body. Here is a plunkr with the issue.

A suggestion for an easy fix would be to lock the scroll outside the ui-select when it is open. That's how the old ui-select2 works.

Ankurkh1 commented 8 years ago


brentmiller commented 8 years ago


stenersen commented 8 years ago


anoopsinghbayes commented 8 years ago

I believe this is because the whole ui-select container is append to body on open,where as the jQuery select 2 implementation appends the dropdown menu ,i.e the ui-select-choices container to the body and also closes the menu on the parent container scroll

yotamelkaslasy commented 7 years ago


Brant-Ma commented 7 years ago


vkmi commented 7 years ago

+1 Issue affects both vertical and horizontal scrolling.

Jefiozie commented 7 years ago

Please do not "+1" issues, use github 👍 reactions if you really must. Comments should be reserved for constructive discussion/issue resolution. +1s merely add unnecessary noise and scrolling between other, more helpful, replies.

Other ways you can actually help include:

Submitting a pull request that resolves the issue/adds the requested feature Researching possible implementations or causes of bugs Providing reproduction plunkrs if one isn't already available

Thanks! 😄

pamo commented 7 years ago

@PesanskiGoran Do you want to allow the parent container to scroll when the select is open? I fixed/bypassed the floating issue within a scrollable parent by setting a variable on scope with the uis-open-close directive and then conditionally applying a .scrollable or '.locked' class on the parent using ng-class based on that value.


<div ng-class="{ scrollable: !lockScrolling, locked: lockScrolling }">
    <ui-select uis-open-close="lockScrolling = isOpen"

Hope this helps.

Kamran1991 commented 5 years ago

You can fix it by using functions of uiSelect in your controller, just catch the scroll event and in callback use this code

var uiSelectController = angular.element('(class of uiSelect element)').controller('uiSelect');
                if (uiSelectController && {
                    uiSelectController.clickTriggeredSelect = false;