angular-ui / ui-tinymce

AngularUI wrapper for TinyMCE
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Placeholder text for inline editors #197

Closed artboard-studio closed 8 years ago

artboard-studio commented 8 years ago

I thought this could be helpful to someone:

I added (hacked) a placeholder text for the tinyMCE inline editor:

 $scope.ContentOptions = {
        setup: function(editor) {

            editor.on('init', function () {
                // Default classes of tinyMCE are a bit weird
                // I add my own class on init
                // this also sets the empty class on the editor on init
                tinymce.DOM.addClass( editor.bodyElement, 'content-editor empty' );

            // You CAN do it on 'change' event, but tinyMCE sets debouncing on that event
            // so for a tiny moment you would see the placeholder text and the text you you typed in the editor
            // the selectionchange event happens a lot more and with no debouncing, so in some situations
            // you might have to go back to the change event instead.
             editor.on('selectionchange', function () {
                 if ( editor.getContent() === "" ) {
                     tinymce.DOM.addClass( editor.bodyElement, 'empty' );
                 } else {
                     tinymce.DOM.removeClass( editor.bodyElement, 'empty' );

The HTML part in the view

<div data-placeholder="Content..." id="post-content-editor" ui-tinymce="ContentOptions" ng-model="newPostContentModel"></div>

and Finally the CSS to create the placeholder text (it gets it from data-placeholder="Content..." but you could do it directly in css

.content-editorr:before {
        display: none;
.content-editor.empty:before {
        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        content: attr(data-placeholder);

I hope this could be of help to someone.

deeg commented 8 years ago

Thanks for posting, going to close as it is not an issue with this library.

This library is just a wrapper around Tinymce. Adding a placeholder into their inline editor should really be handled through their library. I suggest opening a feature request with them so you could remove this hack in the future.

venu222 commented 6 years ago

Its Working like a charm...Thanks alot @human-a

baangfilip commented 6 years ago

I made this to a tinymce plugin and posted it here on GitHub, is that ok?

jordanade commented 5 years ago

The problem is it doesn't behave like a real placeholder. Text entry begins under the placeholder (doubling the height of the entry field) instead of "on top of" the placeholder.

jordanade commented 5 years ago

This solution works better: