angular / angular-hint

run-time hinting for AngularJS applications
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bootstrapping and angular docs #39

Closed ealtenho closed 7 years ago

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

We currently have two methods of dealing with bootstrapping since protractor uses bootstrapping and we use bootstrapping to add in our AngularHintModules.

The angular docs must also used defered bootstrapping because they are tripping our protractor deferring bootstrap logic. However, they also seem to be reaching the normal bootstrapping logic. I think this double bootstrapping is causing the following error:

Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=n…<omitted>...1) angular.js:36
(anonymous function) angular.js:36
(anonymous function) angular.js:4003
q angular.js:328
f angular.js:3964
Gb angular.js:3904
d angular.js:1500
Qa.resumeBootstrap angular.js:1523

@btford any thoughts on how to approach this?

btford commented 9 years ago

we determined that it may be trying to bootstrap twice

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

I'm still uncertain about what is going on here. Our call to resumeBootstrap seems to be what causes the thrown error (although the docs site still appears broken whether or not this error is thrown). Specifically, when the module ng tries to instantiate ngLocale the runBlocks for ngLocale is empty and causes an error.

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

I don't think that we are bootstrapping twice. I think that the bootstrapping of ngLocale is failing.

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

Okay... I tried removing all of our hint modules to see if one of them is causing the error, and I still see it triggered. So it would have to be an error in the overall AngularHint logic.

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

I don't know very much about the angular-loader, but I think that it, rather than the AngularHint logic is causing this particular error. For me, building a hint-bundle with just the injector logic calls doBootstrap and attempts to instantiate the empty ngLocale that cause the failure. @btford any insights with regard to the behavior of the loader?

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

I was wondering if I could reproduce this behavior by looking at other sites built with Angular. Both and are broken by the use of AngularHint, although all the module messages appear to work the same. @caguillen214, it seems like our first priority would be to look at these. Especially seems to be a good example of how AngularHint could be used with a real application. However, both these sites do not have the same issue as the Angulardocs.

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

The site is broken with the use of ngHintDom and ngHintInterpolation.

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

The builtwithangular site is broken with the use of ngHintDom, ngHintEvents and ngHintInterpolation.

btford commented 9 years ago

i'm wondering if it's angular-loader + ngLocale that's giving us problems.

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

For the docs site, definitely.

btford commented 9 years ago

I'd focus on the issues you identified, and we can return to the ngLocale thing tomorrow when I'm back.

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

Ok, our plan will to be try to fix individual modules to get a solid demo going for one of these other sites.

btford commented 9 years ago


ealtenho commented 9 years ago

Update: the angular docs site was broken by using an outdated version of Angular loader. However, using the updated Angular loader (1.3) was incompatible with sites running Angular 1.2. Hence we created our own modified loader to work with both versions of Angular, see

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

The site is broken with the use of ngHintDom and ngHintInterpolation.

ngHintDom is unfeasible except for the patching of action taking place directly within the controller in the current implementation. An alternative solution is being explored.

Issues with ngHintInterpolation were addressed and the module no longer breaks the virginamerica site.

ealtenho commented 9 years ago

The builtwithangular site is broken with the use of ngHintDom, ngHintEvents and ngHintInterpolation

Again, ngHintDom is being revisited, the problem with ngHintEvents is that older builds of Angular have different events, and ngHintInterpolation no longer stops the site from loading correctly (although it does cause harmless exceptions to be thrown - currently being investigated).

gkalpak commented 7 years ago

Closing since the issue is tracked in