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the route should be able to be hidden from the user. #7505

Closed calidion closed 10 years ago

calidion commented 10 years ago

most dynamic pages need no page transition. they need their users to be focus on the interaction.

if the route is really needed. The better way would be change the url through server side.

so the Route in angular should be hidden!

caitp commented 10 years ago

if the route is needed. The better way would be change the url thougth server side.

That's kind of a non-starter, because re-bootstrapping angular all the time would be a pretty bad user experience.

most dynamic page needs not page transition. it needs it's use to be focus on the interaction.

You can use ui-router to change states without changing the url, and I believe other modules have been written for this too.

calidion commented 10 years ago

in fact, i mean angular should be able to running in a routeless way!

caitp commented 10 years ago

You can add target="_self" to your anchors if you really want to do that, but you probably don't really want to

calidion commented 10 years ago

i want my application running in only one url. because the transitions are based on interactions with user not with url. not need to load template from remote server. i don't want the transitions to be triggered by urls but by dom events.

calidion commented 10 years ago

in effect, the loading of the templates from remote servers is no much faster than reloading whole html pages from the server side. and it is even useless for content heavy sites. and they need no angular js at all.

calidion commented 10 years ago

I think it is a wrong way to have javascript based browser side routing. the brower side needs interaction and events handling not templating and routing.

caitp commented 10 years ago

so don't use routing, but you still have the overhead of recompiling your DOM every time you load a page which DOES use angular, and it sounds like you do have such pages, otherwise you wouldn't be submitting this issue here.

calidion commented 10 years ago

ui router is still url based.. i do need templates. but i do need no urls.

caitp commented 10 years ago

multiple states can share the same url

calidion commented 10 years ago

thanks, i should look into it.