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Comprehension Expression in select directive should be a service #7888

Open mdedetrich opened 10 years ago

mdedetrich commented 10 years ago

The setupAsOptions defined here

Should be refactored out as a service. The reasoning being is there may be other custom directives that use comprehension expressions, and they would essentially have to reimplement that function instead of requiring a service which is how its done for things like $parse

It would also help reduce the complexity of the code

tdakhla commented 10 years ago


In the meantime, you can use this Angular Strap service to do the parsing, just as select would do:

samherrmann commented 9 years ago


The angular-xeditable project also created its own parser service:

battlesnake commented 9 years ago


reda-alaoui commented 9 years ago


motofix commented 9 years ago


battlesnake commented 9 years ago

I've created a DSL compiler that takes a domain-specific-language spec for a non-recursive text langauge and creates a RegExp for parsing expressions in that language.

It's at << >>, and if people are genuinely interested in it, then I'll document it and abstract it away from the framework that it was originally intended for.

An example with the ngOptions-style syntax is at:

I know that this is totally useless at the moment for anyone who actually wants to use it as there's no demos or documentation, however I would be happy to produce the necessary docs if people really want a fast DSL parser generator.

The incomplete module dependency for that module is at << >>, if anyone actually is massochistic enough to try to run my code in its current state.