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Reactive forms are not strongly typed #13721

Closed asfernandes closed 2 years ago

asfernandes commented 7 years ago
[x] feature request

Reactive forms is meant to be used in complex forms but control's valueChanges are Observable<any>, which are totally against good practices for complex code.

There should be a way to create strongly typed form controls.

Lonli-Lokli commented 5 years ago

They don't care about developers. They have their own backlog, with blackjack and awesome-5%-decrease-bundle-size features.

maxime1992 commented 5 years ago


They don't care about developers.

Criticizing is easy. Do you care more about other devs?
Haven't seen a PR from you to improve forms nor any kind of constructive comment or RFC to make things move forward :man_shrugging:

They have their own backlog

No way :fearful:!
People are prioritizing things that the company [who's paying them] needs?
What a shame! image

awesome-5%-decrease-bundle-size features.

You're clearly talking about Ivy and the (currently) very small difference in bundle size.
Ivy is currently experimental and you've got to opt in. What a surprise things aren't perfect yet! :thinking: Yes, it's been told that Ivy will help reduce bundle size and allow tools to do a better tree shaking on the apps. And hopefully, that will come! For now they're only working on it making sure that it's not breaking anything and can later help to have better debugging info, incremental compilation on a component basis rather than module basis, and tree shaking. But tooling to get that tree shaking will work later.

So please try to be respectful and avoid trashing people that are giving you an open source framework for free. Things aren't perfect, huge work under way, yes it feels like some issues are left behind but that refactor was needed and there will never be any good time to make something as big as that, it just had to happen at some point.

Now I'm out of this debate because I don't want to monopolize this thread talking about non productive things. *flies away*

Lonli-Lokli commented 5 years ago

@maxime-allex There are a lot of other PRs (386 as of now), do you think one more will change anything? Speaking of this issue, this related PR ( still not merged.

Speaking of refactoring, Ivy was mentioned year ago. I know that somebody can treat is a major feature for developers, but personally me prefer to see fixes are important for as many developers as possible.

I still hope that Angular is for developers, not for the marketing, and hope to see more issues closed based on community' reaction. That is my question, what are the priorities here.

jorroll commented 4 years ago

Obviously this issue can be addressed via an update to the existing API, but, separately, I've created a proposal to improve the ReactiveFormsModule to address a number of outstanding issues with it, including this one.

Some other issues addressed include the ability subscribe to updates on any property and the ability to asynchronously validate a control via a service (rather than an asyncValidator). You can learn more over in #31963. Feedback is welcomed!

KostyaTretyak commented 4 years ago

As I promised before, I created Pull Request. This PR contains only part of the @ng-stack/forms feature (without: validation, auto detect form control and support input[file]).

kara commented 4 years ago

Hey, I wanted to share an update from Angular team: we hear you that this is a big pain point. We will be starting work on more strongly typed forms soon, which will include looking at existing PRs and reviewing all your comments again. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to leave your thoughts!

web-dave commented 4 years ago

Oh!!!!! Exiting!

rpbeukes commented 4 years ago

That is very good news, Angular team, thanx! As soon as there is a release, I'll deprecate angular-typesafe-reactive-forms-helper.

AhsanAyaz commented 4 years ago


supersinex commented 4 years ago

I’m so excited!! Thank you, Angular team!!

snebjorn commented 4 years ago

Can we stop with the reaction spam? Use the emojis for reactions, as they're intended for - thanks.

gaplo917 commented 4 years ago

As Angular team has confirmed to work on strongly typed Reactive Form. I would like to share my reasons of my implementation that heavily use infer type to extract value type in order to get a smooth static typed development experience.

1st Approach: Started with Value Type

When I started designing the FormGroup, I used a intuitive simple value type as T.

FormGroup<{ id: string, username: string | null }>

But I found that when I have to handle complex table form architecture, it is very difficult to do a type-safe binding in Angular HTML.

type User = { id: string, username: string | null }
const table: FormArray<User> = new FormArray([{ id: '0', username: 'gaplo917'}])

const row: FormGroup<User> = as FormGroup<User> // you must do a type cast

// NO way to get type-safe binding in Angular HTML
<input [formControl]="" />

The above implementation required developers to do custom type cast which is tedious and error-prone. IMHO, this completely lose the reason to use strongly typed Reactive Form.

2nd Approach: Started with a ControlType

As using a simple value type is not working smoothly. I come up another idea to use a KeyValueControl as T and use infer the extract the value type from the KeyValueControl recursively.

export type KeyValueControl<V> = {
  [key in keyof V]: V[key] & AbstractControl

export type InferTypedForm<Type> = Type extends TypedFormControl<infer X>
  ? X
  : Type extends Array<TypedFormControl<infer X1>>
  ? X1[]
  : Type extends Array<TypedFormGroup<infer X2>>
  ? Array<InferTypedFormGroup<X2>>
  : Type extends TypedFormGroup<infer X3>
  ? InferTypedFormGroup<X3>
  : Type extends TypedFormArray<infer X4>
  ? Array<InferTypedForm<X4>>
  : never

export type InferTypedFormGroup<T> = { [key in keyof T]: InferTypedForm<T[key]> }

export type InferTypedFormArray<T> = InferTypedForm<T[]>

export class TypedFormGroup<T extends KeyValueControl<T>> extends FormGroup {
  readonly controls: T
  readonly valueChanges: Observable<InferTypedFormGroup<T>>
  readonly statusChanges: Observable<FormStatus>
  readonly value: InferTypedFormGroup<T>

As a result,

interface Foo {
  first: TypedFormControl<string | null>
  last: TypedFormControl<string | null>

const table: FormArray<FormGroup<Foo>>

const row: FormGroup<Foo> = // typescript compile OK!

// type-safe binding in Angular HTML, all auto-complete (`id`, `username`) finally works!
<input [formControl]="" />

Live Demo

Edit gaplo917/angular-typed-form-codesandbox

Live Demo IDE Screenshots

That is a true auto complete experience in a complex forms. Screenshot 2020-06-12 at 19 02 10

Angular Typed Forms

100% Compatible to existing Reactive Form Modules

Comments and improvements are welcome. Hope that the upcoming Strongly Typed Reactive Forms can handle complex form models like Table and Nested Sub-Forms.

ajayojha commented 4 years ago

@IgorMinar , Angular Core Team, and Angular Community Members.

This long comment is fully focused on two statements which are highlighted by ticket author "against the practices" and "strongly typed".

I would suggest instead of an interface-based approach for Strongly Typed Reactive Form we should opt Class-Based Approach but not in the way that's mentioned in the ng-stacks/forms. Also would not recommend to change the code base of Angular Ractive Forms, Because we can achieve a strongly typed form without changing the codebase through many ways. Let me describe in detail what are the high-level challenges I see in the Interface Driven Approach and Class Driven Approach is more Intuitive than others and also we are getting the FormGroup object is Strongly-Typed. In both cases, our FormGroup object is Strongly Typed we are not losing the power of TypeScript Type in Class-Based Approach.

My Suggestion

As we all are familiar with OOP practices, the class gives us more flexibility and maintainability of the code. few of the benefits I am highlighting below:

  1. Decouple our code.
  2. Less Code as compared to the current approach as well as interface-driven approach.
  3. We can use Custom Decorators on the property.
  4. The code is readable, maintainable, and extensible.
  5. With this approach, we can don't need to write the business logic in the template, like we are putting the *ngIf with multiple conditions for showing the error messages. I believe the templates are not meant for writing the business logic.
  6. Lot more...

Let me transformed the above-mentioned Interface code into the Class and apply the validation decorator on the Class properties. Here we are following the Single Responsibility Principle Practices. Have a look at the below code:


Let's consider a few cases and compare it with the Interface and Class Driven Strongly-Typed Approach that helps us to understand the difference in both of them.

1. Create a FormGroup Here we are using the same instance of FormBuilder and the same method of group. But the import module name will be different like ReactiveTypedFormsModule instead of ReactiveFormsModule. Let's create a FormGroup: image

As per the above code, the question comes,

Is the current approach will work after importing the ReactiveTypedFormsModule? Yes, It will work, nothing will be changed after importing the ReactiveTypedFormsModule.

Let's quickly see the other cases and conclude this post.

2. Change the Value of FormControl Instead of calling setValue method, we can directly assign the value on the Class property. It will automatically set the FormControl value.


3. Perform business logic based upon value changes of the FormControl Instead of Subscribing the FormControl ValueChanges, use the power of setter method in TypeScript.


4. Convert the Input Value We are focusing on Strongly-Typed but what about those values which are coming from the input control like for date we are getting the value in String format but we are expecting Date Format in TS code, to overcome this problem we create a directive or method to converts the value as required. I won't show here the current code as that's a bit clumsy because we have to create the directive and do the blah blah things.... 😄, So I would like to show Class Driven Approach code here:

@toDate() // this will convert the value before assigning the value in 'dob' property.

4. Change the Value of Nested FormGroup FormControl We can directly assign the value in the respective property rather than getting the Nested FormGroup Object and call the SetValue method.


5. Adding FormGroup in Nested FormArray No more to say, have a look at the below code 😄 .


Reference the FormGroup Object in HTML Template

Simple Code 😄 . Nothing will be changed in the HTML template, but you will get more in HTML template as well. Please refer to the below code

<form [formGroup]="user.formGroup">
   <input type="text" formControlName="firstName"/>
   <small >{{user.formGroup.controls.firstName.errorMessage}}</small>
<!--Nested FormGroup-->
   <div [formGroup]="user.address.formGroup">...</div>
<!--Nested FormArray - Skills-->
   <div *ngFor="let skill of user.skills">
       <div [formGroup]="skill.formGroup">...</div>

Stackblitz Link: Strongly Type Reactive Form Working Example Example on Github: Strongly Typed Reactive Form

KostyaTretyak commented 4 years ago

@ajayojha, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that your comment above can be reduced to this:

  1. Overhead that goes with TypeScript types is bad.
  2. Runtime validation with the help of decorators - it's good.
  3. Why do you need setValue() and valueChanges() if there are setters/getters?

What do I think:

  1. Writing TypeScript types is like writing static tests. Somebody may create applications without tests because they think it's unnecessary, but it's a bad practice.
  2. Runtime validation with the help of decorators - it's can be a good idea, agree.
  3. In addition to setValue() there are also patchValue(), reset(), which also work with form value. Replacing only setValue() with a setter will make the code inconsistent. In addition, when we have to write setters for each form model property, it will add much more code overhead as well as performance overhead in case with getters. Mixing form model properties names with form control properties is also a bad idea in my opinion.
ajayojha commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @KostyaTretyak for your concerns on my comment, I would be happy to answer the same, please see below my comments accordingly :).

  1. Overhead that goes with TypeScript types is bad.

Just for your information the formgroup object is strongly typed. Interfaces are good but not suitable for every area and I am not saying TypeScript types are bad, I don't think somewhere I have mentioned that the types are bad. My only concern is on Interface because we are overruling the software design practices with the Interface approach or even I can say we are using the Interface approach at the wrong place and my suggested approach is Class. As far as my understanding through the Class approach we are not compromising the benefit of TypeScript Types which we get in Interface or even I would say we get more than Interface approach in terms of Readability, Scalability, and Maintainability.

Are we using the right practice of Interface for Strongly Typed Reactive Form?

Let me describe a little bit more in terms of Interface is the bad practice(as per me) for Strongly Typed Reactive Form.

TypeScript Types are good, but it's not suggested that everywhere we have to jumble up anything which is not according to the software practices Like I have clearly mentioned the problems with the Interface. Just to think about my highlighted concerns on Interface. Let me share my case, In one of my enterprise application which contains more than 6k+ components. If I am going with Interface approach then the development team will ask me good questions before doing the changes:

Now Just to think over it the above cases on a larger perspective and compare with TypeScript Types with Interface on Reactive Forms for Strongly Typed. I believe every good approach will save development time and in this approach Sorry to say I don't see any benefit according to the Software Design Principle and Practices.

  1. Runtime validation with the help of decorators - it's good.

I agree with your comment on "It's good", The decorator approach we cannot achieve in Interface Approach. I believe this is the most powerful feature of TypeScript, then why we cannot use the same in Reactive Form Approach and give the development team to full control of their object properties.

  1. Why do you need setValue() if there are setters?

Where I have said that I need 'setValue()'? I don't need setValue and I haven't shown in the example where I am calling the setValue method in Class Driven Approach. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  1. Writing TypeScript types is like writing static tests. Somebody may create applications without tests because they think it's unnecessary, but it's a bad practice.

I am not saying the TypeScript types is like writing static tests. But I don't agree with the commit changes in the base classes of reactive form, I believe we can achieve the same thing without touching the class definition. Here, we can use the actual power of interface which we are not using as per the commits so far, Is this is a good practice that the logic is running for so long and we are adding the generic types by setting the default value of 'any'? I think that we can achieve the same thing without touching the base classes of Reactive Form. I don't know why we are not taking advantage of Interface in this instead of changing the base class definition and also changing the spec.

  1. Runtime validation with the help of decorators - it's can be a good idea, agree.

Good to know that We both are the same page on this :).

  1. In addition to setValue() there are also patchValue(), reset(), which also work with form value. Replacing only setValue() with a setter will make the code inconsistent. In addition, when we have to write setters for each form model property, it will add much more code overhead as well as performance overhead. Mixing form model properties names with form control properties is also a bad idea in my opinion.

Let me describe the above point in three sections calling method, setter performance overhead, and mixing form model properties.

Calling Method: As expected, while writing this post I was thinking that someone may suggest me use the 'patchValue' or 'reset' method. Again I would like to say in the real world case mostly development team is using the 'setValue' method instead of patchValue or other methods (This is my experience according to the Angular Application Code Review and Stackoverflow Posts setValue vs patchValue). My focus is just calling the method for assigning the value, no matter which method we are calling for.

Setter Performance: I agree with the statement of setters creates a performance overhead. If this is the case then I would say we have to fix first in Angular Project because for binding the reactive form, Angular Framework is using the setter method in Control Value Accessor class and so many other directives and this creates a performance overhead without using the Class Approach. One more thing the same approach we are also using in multiple components with @Input decorator, we have to find the alternate or Angular team have to provide a different solution(I believe) to overcome this kind of performance issue. So, I don't think this is a major concern. Now coming to the performance concern, Please compare with the existing approach and setter method approach(this is optional, the development team can opt if they wish like the same as ChangeDetectionStrategy in Angular. Please refer to the example on the rxweb documentation site for opting this case. Judge that how many function are calling when we subscribe the value changes then after set the value or directly calling the setter method. I believe this is much more intuitive in terms of less code execution as compare to valuechanges, low size of build package, code readability and so many other good things.

Mixing the Properties: So what's your opinion, are you assigning a different FormControl property name than the server returned property name. If Yes, then I would say this is a major problem in the code because every time I have to change the property name before posting it to the server, Sorry but I would not prefer in throughout the application. If I consider your good opinion for my application form which contains average 40+ fields then I have to set every property value manually, Just to think about the code in the component just for the shake of assigning the value and the prod build size. Is this is better opinion than the class approach? Now come to the proposed solution, we are not mixing two things in one. FormControl properties are different and class properties are different from the respective data type. If you wish to change the property name like FormControl property name is different than the Data property then you can, please refer the rxweb reactive form package documentation. So there is no problem as your feeling of bad(mixing the property name with form-control names) has a solution in the proposed approach.

I hope I have answered all of your concerns, Feel free to share if you any other concerns on this :).

ajayojha commented 4 years ago

As I said in my previous comment that there is no need to change in the base classes of Reactive Form because we can achieve the same things by using the power of Interface Segregation Principle Practices. Here is the End-to-End Strongly-Typed Reactive Form solution with the package of @rxweb/types. This works well with Interface as well as Class approach :).

How Code Looks Like After Implementation?

Stackblitz: Open Github: Interface Driven Strongly-Typed Reactive Form Example

Someone have any suggestion feel free to share the same.

KostyaTretyak commented 4 years ago

So, Version 10 of Angular Now Available, this is a major release and apparently reactive forms will not be strongly typed until at least version 11 of the Angular. So, we will have to wait at least until the fall to implement this feature.

MBuchalik commented 3 years ago

I have a question (or a proposal?) regarding the way the form model is built in most of the suggestions/PRs I saw here.

When looking at most libraries and PRs that try to make the Reactive Forms type safe, you can see that they create a model that looks like this:

interface Address {
  name: Name;  
interface Name {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;

this is then "translated" to someting like this:

const myForm = new FormGroup<Address>({
  name: new FormGroup<Name>({
    firstName: new FormControl('John'),
    lastName: new FormControl('Doe'),

So, in simplified words: "If it is an object, then build a FormGroup for it. If it is an array, then build a FormArray. And if it is a primitive value, then create a FormControl."

But, there is one issue: You cannot use objects in FormControls anymore.

The solutions I saw so far: Some libraries simply don't support this. And some libraries use some sort of "hack" to create a hint that you actually want to use a FormControl instead of a FormGroup.

My question/proposal: What would speak against explicitly defining the form model as follows?

interface Address {
  name: FormGroup<Name>;  
interface Name {
  firstName: FormControl<string>;
  lastName: FormControl<string>;

const myForm = new FormGroup<Address>({
  name: new FormGroup<Name>({
    firstName: new FormControl('John'),
    lastName: new FormControl('Doe'),

This has the huge advantage that you can now put objects into FormControls. And it doesn't require any kind of "hack" to do so :)

I have created a Codesandbox for this, so that you can maybe try it out yourself:

KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

@MBuchalik, yes, this is the first obvious decision that comes to mind when you start working on "strong typed forms". I also started with this, but it has a significant disadvantage - the need to create two models: one for form controls, the other - for form values.

On the other hand, as far as I understand, this solution will allow us to implement "strong typed forms" without breaking chage, and we won't have to wait for the release of the next major version of Angular. Here it is necessary to work in practice with such solution to assess whether it has more critical shortcomings than the need to create two models.

gaplo917 commented 3 years ago

@MBuchalik I shared the same opinions with you and have raised the same question to the PR and one of the angular contributors(@KostyaTretyak ) has answered.

You might take a look of the discussion in the PR:


Here are a couple of problems: If we follow your approach, we need to create two different models - for form controls and for form values. The model for form controls is harder to read.

And I have implemented this idea for our projects half year ago that already be used in the production. A FULL static auto-complete experience for the controls type in Angular HTML really boost our junior developer productivity. (with fullTemplateTypeCheck enabled)

I have shared "why I go this way" in previous comment in this thread:

Codesanbox Demo:

MBuchalik commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your insights @KostyaTretyak and @gaplo917! 👍

If I understood it correctly, we can summarize it as follows.

If we only want to use one single model, then a solution like the one provided by @KostyaTretyak could be used. The downside however is that we now cannot use objects in FormControls anymore. (I know that there is a "hack" which would allow this. But then our model is again not "clean"; so we would once again need 2 models.)

If we want to be able to use objects in FormControls, then there is probably (!) no way around using an approach like the one I (or @gaplo917) illustrated. The downside is that you basically need 2 models. Or at least use some helper types to "extract" the form value model.

So, we now just need to think about whether objects in FormControls should be possible or not. This would simply answer the question regarding which of the two approaches is the one to select. Or am I missing something?

gaplo917 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your insights @KostyaTretyak and @gaplo917! 👍

If I understood it correctly, we can summarize it as follows.

If we only want to use one single model, then a solution like the one provided by @KostyaTretyak could be used. The downside however is that we now cannot use objects in FormControls anymore. (I know that there is a "hack" which would allow this. But then our model is again not "clean"; so we would once again need 2 models.)

If we want to be able to use objects in FormControls, then there is probably (!) no way around using an approach like the one I (or @gaplo917) illustrated. The downside is that you basically need 2 models. Or at least use some helper types to "extract" the form value model.

So, we now just need to think about whether objects in FormControls should be possible or not. This would simply answer the question regarding which of the two approaches is the one to select. Or am I missing something?

@MBuchalik In my opinion, if you trust Typescript compiler and heavily rely on the "type inference" feature, you don't need to have 2 models. Our internal system has 60+ forms, some of them are very complex nested with 3 depth level FormArray-FormGroup-FormArray and we also don't need explicit model for the value type.

There are only 2 type of data models to play with which are:

99.9% of time, we

  1. Create an encapsulation for each complex form
  2. Transform the remote data -> form data
  3. Transform the form data -> remote payload

the following code snippet is the illustration:

interface FooApiData {
   id: string
   age: number
   dob: string | null
   createdAt: string

interface FooFormControlType {
  id: TypedFormControl<string>
  age: TypedFormControl<number>

  // calendar view required JS date form control binding
  dob: TypedFormControl<Date | null>

interface FooApiUpdateRequest {
   id: string
   dob: string | null
   age: number

class FooForm extends TypedFormGroup<FooFormControlType> {
    constructor(private fb: TypedFormBuilder, private initialValue: FooApiData) {
          id: fb.control(, Validators.required),
          dob: fb.control(initialValue.dob === null ? new Date(initialValue.dob) : null),
          age: fb.number(initialValue.age, Validators.required)
   toRequestBody(): FooApiUpdateRequest {
       const typedValue = this.value
       return {
          dob: typedValue.dob !== null ? moment(typedValue.dob).format('YYYYMMDD') : null,
          age: typedValue.age

const apiData = apiService.getFoo()

const form = new FooForm(new TypedFormBuilder(), apiData)

// assume some UI changes the form value
function submit() {
   if(form.dirty && form.valid){
     const payload = form.toRequestBody()

P.S. This is an opinionated data flow architecture that we can enjoy programming type-safely in Typescript

KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

If we only want to use one single model, then a solution like the one provided by @KostyaTretyak could be used. The downside however is that we now cannot use objects in FormControls anymore. (I know that there is a "hack" which would allow this. But then our model is again not "clean"; so we would once again need 2 models.)

Here it is still necessary to estimate on how often we need to use an object for FormControl. I think it can be estimated somewhere at 5-30%. That is, if we use solutions with one model, we can cover 70-95% of cases of using FormControl. For the rest - just provide a hint for TypeScript as an additional type (see Control<T>, it is not correct to call it a "second model"):

interface FormModel {
  date: Control<Date>;

Can the Control<T> type be called a hack? - Yes, it's probably a hack, but not a rough hack. I do not know of any cases where this type does not work as intended, or has side effects.

KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

Oh, I remembered the side effects with Control<T> when we need to use external library for form value model. In such cases, two models are really needed:

import { FormBuilder, Control } from '@ng-stack/forms';

// External Form Model
interface ExternalPerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  birthDate: Date;

const formConfig: ExternalPerson = {
  id: 123,
  name: 'John Smith',
  birthDate: new Date(1977, 6, 30),

interface Person extends ExternalPerson {
  birthDate: Control<Date>;

const fb = new FormBuilder();
const form =<Person>(formConfig); // `Control<Date>` type is compatible with `Date` type.

const birthDate: Date = form.value.birthDate; // `Control<Date>` type is compatible with `Date` type.

But in this code, the overhead is only here:

interface Person extends ExternalPerson {
  birthDate: Control<Date>;
KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

Thanks to @ArielGueta, a critical issue with the Control<T> type has now become known. That is, I won't even try to implement Control<T> in future Pull Requests for Angular, as I planned before.

gaplo917 commented 3 years ago

Thanks to @ArielGueta, a critical issue with the Control<T> type has now become known. That is, I won't even try to implement Control<T> in future Pull Requests for Angular, as I planned before.

@KostyaTretyak It is not true. The critical issue only shows that your "ControlType" implementation is incorrect.

A full "Control Type" implementation has no problem.

Live Demo:

Screenshot 2020-07-01 at 00 35 11

MBuchalik commented 3 years ago

That is, I won't even try to implement Control in future Pull Requests for Angular, as I planned before.

OK, so that means that your PR (and consecutive ones) will most likely never support objects in FormControls?

KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

@MBuchalik, at the moment (Angular v10), if we have the following form model:

interface FormModel {
  date: Date;

and if in our component we want to access the value of the date property, we need to do the following:

get date() {
  return this.formGroup.get('date') as FormControl;
// ... as Date;

My current pull request provides a generic for the form value, but does not provide a type for form control:

get date() {
  return this.formGroup.get('date') as FormControl<Date>;
// ...; // Here Date type
KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

@gaplo917, @MBuchalik, I've tried your solutions, and tried to implement my own similar solution, but they all do not work perfectly. This solutions also provides a set of types for recursively extracting form model values. Overhead and breaking changes are very significant, see PR draft.

I strongly doubt that at the moment these solutions should be proposed to be implemented in Angular. That is, for now we will have to use generics only for form values, not for form control types.

MBuchalik commented 3 years ago

but they all do not work perfectly

I have only spent a few hours on my illustration, so I did not expect it to be perfect ;) Could you give examples on things that don't work well? (Especially on stuff that, from your point of view, cannot easily be fixed?)

Btw, one suggestion regarding backwards compatibilty: From my point of view, it is relatively hard to make the implementation completely backwards compatible. Because of this, we could maybe do the following: We don't change the FormControl, FormGroup and FormArray classes at all. Instead, we create new ones that inherit from them (maybe call them StrictFormControl<T> and StrictFormGroup<T> or whatever you like). These are then the ones we make type safe. The benefit: We are 100% sure that no breaking change is done. :)

KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

few hours on my illustration, so I did not expect it to be perfect ;)

I worked with this solution for a couple of days, and I see how difficult it will be to work with forms.

  1. First of all, significant overhead and the need to have two models.
  2. Secondly, this solution is no better in terms of reliability than my solution with Control<T> type, because in the same way it is necessary to recursively extract the value of form model.
  3. Work with nested form controls. If we have the following form model:
interface FormModel {
  one: FormGroup<{two: FormControl<string>}>;

And if we get, TypeScript provide hint with conditional type, not with {two: string} type (as it should be). So value hard to read from IDE.

MBuchalik commented 3 years ago

And if we get, TypeScript provide hint with conditional type, not with {two: string} type (as it should be). So value hard to read from IDE.

OK so just to make sure I understood everything correctly. If you use my implementation and write the following:

interface FormModel {
  one: FormGroup<Two>;
interface Two {
  two: FormControl<string>;

const myForm = new FormGroup<FormModel>({
  one: new FormGroup<Two>({
    two: new FormControl('')

(made it a bit more verbose ;) )

If I now look for then it looks like this:


So you say that, at this example, "two" should not be optional? I guess this is not the right way to type the form value. The form value only includes not disabled fields. So, from my point of view, it should be a recursive Partial. You can't know on compile time which fields will be disabled and which won't.

KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

So you say that, at this example, "two" should not be optional?

What? No.

My test of your solution:

interface FormModel {
  one: FormGroup<{two: FormControl<string>}>;

let formGroup: FormGroup<FormModel>;
const some =;

What I see on codesandbox after hover mouse on value:

(property) FormGroup<FormGroupControls<{ two: FormControl<string>; }>>.value: PartialFormGroupValue<FormGroupControls<{
    two: FormControl<string>;

Here PartialFormGroupValue refers to the conditional type PartialFormValue.

MBuchalik commented 3 years ago

Ah, ok, I think I got it. So you mean that the type is hard to read, right? I originally thought you were talking about a bug or someting like that.

Well, most IDEs will still just present the suggestions for the available properties once you continue typing. So I don't really see any huge problems here. (Of course, it would be better to read if it just said {two?: string}. But I don't think this is super important. That's at least my opionion.)

If you implemented your Control<T>, how would you then remove it from the typing of the form value without doing sth like I did? And how would you make the form value a recursive partial without using a helper type?

KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

If you implemented your Control, how would you then remove it from the typing of the form value without doing sth like I did? And how would you make the form value a recursive partial without using a helper type?

In this case, my solution is not better:

(property) FormGroup<FormGroup<{ two: FormControl<string>; }>>.value: ExtractGroupValue<FormGroup<{
    two: FormControl<string>;

I gave this example because you asked for it:

Could you give examples on things that don't work well? (Especially on stuff that, from your point of view, cannot easily be fixed?)

KostyaTretyak commented 3 years ago

By the way, I fixed critical issue with Control<T>.

JohnYoungers commented 3 years ago

To resolve the HTML binding issues with Angular 10 and [formControl], this is the route I went:

As noted in another issue (, for my forms I generally create classes that extend FormGroup to ease in re-usability and testing. With that structure, I was able to resolve the problem for now by updating my code from something like this:

class UserFormGroup extends FormGroup {
  constructor() {
      id: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),
      name: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),

To this:

// everything will extend these two
export class EnhancedFormGroup<T extends { [key: string]: AbstractControl }> extends FormGroup
  controls!: T;
export class EnhancedFormArray<T extends AbstractControl> extends FormArray 
  controls!: T[];

// reworked form from above
function formDefinition() {
   return {
      id: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),
      name: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),

class UserFormGroup extends EnhancedFormGroup<ReturnType<typeof formDefinition>> {
  constructor() {

At that point form.controls will correctly show its type as { id: FormControl, name: FormControl }, binding correctly in the HTML, and would correctly aggregate down if the form was more complicated with nested formgroups or arrays.

Using the formDefinition function isn't pretty, but it was the cleanest solution I could come up with to prevent duplication between the form definition and the constructor.

I believe you could update FormGroup to have the above generic type definition without introducing breaking changes (well, that may not be true for forms that dynamically add/remove controls I guess; they wouldn't show in the controls type)

edit It looks like it's even simpler if you don't need to create classes that extend FormGroup; you could create a helper function that resolves the generic issue:

function createEnhancedFormGroup<T extends { [key: string]: AbstractControl }>(controls: T) {
  return new EnhancedFormGroup<T>(controls);

const form = createEnhancedFormGroup({
  id: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),
  name: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),

edit 2 ... or you could bake it into the FormGroup class itself (FormBuilder maybe?)

export class EnhancedFormGroup<T extends { [key: string]: AbstractControl }> extends FormGroup
  controls!: T;

  static create<T extends { [key: string]: AbstractControl }>(controls: T) {
    return new EnhancedFormGroup<T>(controls);

const form = EnhancedFormGroup.create({
  id: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),
  name: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),

edit 3 I've extended the above examples to include typing on the values and created an article to sum everything up:

pauldraper commented 3 years ago

This is now marked on the roadmap for Future development:

MBuchalik commented 3 years ago

@pauldraper Could you explain what has changed compared to the roadmap of ~2 months ago? The only change I see is the wording of the title. But it is still in the "Future" section. Just like it was 2 months ago.

pauldraper commented 3 years ago

@MBuchalik perhaps it's been there for 2 months.

zijianhuang commented 3 years ago

null and undefined should NOT be used interchangeably when dealing with JSON payload.

An undefined field is not appearing the payload of JSON, while a null field is explicitly with null value in the payload. Such distinguish is important and even critical in the conversations with the backend coded in C# or Java which though do not have a concept of undefined but null.

In Angular, FormGroup.getRawValue() outputs a null field to a model or the JSON payload, and will not present an undefined field to the model or the JSON payload, and this is correct, event though FormGroup.patchValue() has a defect which will translate an undefined field to null field, as reported in #40608.

In a server backend for example coded in C#, the deserializer will obviously process fields in the JSON payload. A null field presented in the JSON payload had to be parsed. ASP.NET C# backend by default does treat the null field, or the absent field differently, probably for the sake of database operations with ORM.

In short, C# language does not have the concept of undefined, however, ASP.NET backend does respect undefined.

zijianhuang commented 3 years ago

Another example, in a complex model with nested structures, if the returned payload to the service has the nested field null, this may mean that I want to remove the nested field. And if the nested field in not presented in the payload, this means I did not touch it in the front end, so the service will keep it and the database. In short, null and undefined may be insignificant in local codes, however, null and undefined are fairly distinguishable and useful in conversations between front end and back end.

zijianhuang commented 3 years ago

Now before calling post of NG's HttpClient service, I have to apply a workaround

    removeNullFields(obj: any) {
        for (const f in obj) {
            if (obj[f] === null) {
                delete obj[f];

to remove all null fields so these fields will not be included in the JSON payload.

HttpClient is smart enough to skip of fields which are undefined. Therefore, fixing the defect reported in #40608 will bring benefits:

  1. Respect the distinguish between undefined and null in JavaScript.
  2. Backward Compatible with the behavior of ngModel
  3. Seamlessly live well with HttpClient which will include null fields and ignore undefined fields when creating JSON payload. Therefore the JSON payload may be smaller if some fields have never been touched.
MikeJerred commented 3 years ago

@pauldraper is this being worked on? I have made an npm module (link) to provide this functionality, and if the API is deemed suitable I could quite easily adapt it to go into the angular/forms package. There would still be some work to do regarding the form builder and making it more backwards compatible.

ristomatti commented 3 years ago

@MikeJerred In the interim we in our project team have had pretty good experiences with @ng-stack/forms. It is a bit more "intrusive" than we'd like but it seemed to work best from the few options I evaluated before settling for it. How does your work compare with it or the other existing alternatives?

There does seem to be a draft PR to address this:

Edit: fix typo

MikeJerred commented 3 years ago

@ristomatti I've had a look at that @ng-stack/forms, it is quite similar to mine. I think it has advantages in that it extends the native Angular controls and so is easier to use as a replacement for the existing @angular/forms package, but I think it has a disadvantage in that you need to explicitly define the generics for it to work. My package has 4 types of form control: Array, Control, Dictionary, and Group. The Array and Dictionary are essentially equivalent except that the keys have type number for the former and string for the latter. The Group control in my package departs from @angular/forms in that you cannot add/remove controls at runtime - it is meant to represent a static grouping of other form controls - which means that its type is fixed at compile-time and we can have proper deep type analysis. There is an example that might explain things better in the readme.

thw0rted commented 3 years ago

I recently turned on strictTemplates in my tsconfig, and had to use the $any cast operator in a number of places to work around this issue. If you have a FormGroup and would like to use Reactive Forms with components that implement ControlValueAccessor, you have to use that $any(...) cast, or implement casting yourself (from the returned AbstractControl to FormControl).

The Language Service is now nagging all users to turn on strictTemplates, complaining that it won't work properly unless you do. More and more users are going to need to get properly-typed FormControls out of FormGroups. This is slightly tangential to the original intent of this issue (typing fg['ControlName'] as FormControl, rather than having a generic value-type for a single control) but as far as I can tell, all previous issues specifically about dealing with AbstractControl casting have been closed as duplicates of this one. I'd just like to see one good, consistent solution to give people when they want to pass FormGroup members via formControl=.

alex-enchi commented 3 years ago

I have a bit related question, while reactive forms are planned to be type-safe in the future. Is there a proper way for ngModel and ngModelChange to have types in case of using them on top of component implementing ControlValueAccessor?

dobromyslov commented 3 years ago

Tried @ng-stack/forms and can say it's the most organic strongly typed forms lib for Angular on my opinion. It even works fine with FormBuilder, all you need to do is to npm install @ng-stack/forms and to change your imports from @angular/forms to @ng-stack/forms.

Why does Angular team not merge this project or make something similar?

maxime1992 commented 3 years ago

@dobromyslov when you say

Tried @ng-stack/forms and can say it's the most organic strongly typed forms lib for Angular on my opinion

Can you let us know with which others libraries you've compared it to and what are the pros/cons for each?