angular / in-memory-web-api

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GET is ok, but POST doesn't work with the same url #171

Open pierre03 opened 6 years ago

pierre03 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I use this library for my test, it works very well, so thank you very much for this pretty job. Recently i have a problem with the POST request, the GET method works, but when i change the method to POST with the same api name, i have an error: ERROR: Error: [object Object] at viewWrappedDebugError... My config is:
{dataEncapsulation: false, passThruUnknownUrl: true} Can you tell me how to fix it, please?

pierre03 commented 6 years ago

Someone here?

opirci commented 6 years ago

I use this lib and did not have a problem with POST. May be you should try again after updating with the latest version. If it doesn't fix can you share the code?

kuncevic commented 6 years ago

Was getting same error having single object :

  accessToken: `eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...`,

had to change to collection with an 'id' field:

 public static accessData = [
      id: 1, // need to have 'id' field
      accessToken: `eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...,

Now post does work but it is returning a new record which is wrong for my case. I have kinda login from so no really need to insert anyting

UPDATE: Looks like in case of custom post where you do not need to insert anything you need to implement somethng like this which is custom ingerceptor. So that is some code I come up with:

  // HTTP GET interceptor
  post(reqInfo: RequestInfo) {
    const collectionName = reqInfo.collectionName;
    if (collectionName === 'token') {
      return this.getResponse(reqInfo, TokenFakeDb.accessData);
    return undefined; // let the default GET handle all others

  private getResponse(reqInfo: RequestInfo, collection: any) {
    return reqInfo.utils.createResponse$(() => {
      console.log('HTTP GET override');

      const dataEncapsulation = reqInfo.utils.getConfig().dataEncapsulation;
      const id =;

      // tslint:disable-next-line:triple-equals
      const data = id == undefined ? collection : reqInfo.utils.findById(collection, id);

      const options: ResponseOptions = data ?
          body: dataEncapsulation ? { data } : data,
          status: STATUS.OK
        } :
          body: { error: `'Item' with id='${id}' not found` },
          status: STATUS.NOT_FOUND
      return this.finishOptions(options, reqInfo);

  private finishOptions(options: ResponseOptions, {headers, url}: RequestInfo) {
    options.statusText = getStatusText(options.status);
    options.headers = headers;
    options.url = url;
    return options;

and now I can have only one item without having a collection with item id's:

  accessToken: `eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...`,