angular / preboot

Coordinate transfer of state from server to client view for isomorphic/universal JavaScript web applications
MIT License
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New version changelog? What's in v5.1.7? #110

Closed tstirrat15 closed 4 years ago

tstirrat15 commented 4 years ago

dependabot just opened a PR on my project for preboot 5.1.7. We're currently on 5.0.0-rc13 and things work fine.

I'm kinda sketched out by it. There's no tag for that release on this repository, no commits associated with that release, and I haven't seen active development on this repository for months now.

Is v5.1.7 legit? What's in it? If not, it's probably worth reviewing who's got NPM privileges/tokens for this repository.

tstirrat15 commented 4 years ago

Never mind. I went in and manually reviewed the commits and it now looks much less sketchy to me. I'll close this.