angular / preboot

Coordinate transfer of state from server to client view for isomorphic/universal JavaScript web applications
MIT License
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Prebootoverlay doesn't removed in mobile view #114

Closed Bizotics-Dev closed 3 years ago

Bizotics-Dev commented 3 years ago

2.In app component add under ngOnInit hook his.router.initialNavigation(); if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { this.appRef.isStable .pipe( filter(stable => stable), take(1), ).subscribe(() => { this.replayer.replayAll(); }); }

3.and then check your page loads proper on desktop view but mobile view it does not works proper

4."@angular/platform-server": "^7.2.7", "@nguniversal/common": "^7.1.0", "@nguniversal/express-engine": "^7.1.0", "@nguniversal/module-map-ngfactory-loader": "^7.1.0",