angular / protractor

E2E test framework for Angular apps
MIT License
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Syntax reboot #156

Closed juliemr closed 10 years ago

juliemr commented 10 years ago

Need a shorter syntax for finding elements, and a migration path from angular scenario tests.

Consider something like:

describe("api/ng.$http", function() {
  beforeEach(function() {

  it('should make a JSONP request to', function() {':button:contains("Sample JSONP")').click();':button:contains("fetch")')).click();
    expect('data').getText()).toMatch(/Super Hero!/);

// The protractor runner would expose some additional things to the global
// namespace. It could now be:
// - all the Jasmine scaffolding (describe, it, expect, matchers).
// - protractor, the protractor namespace.
// - ptor, an instance of protractor.
// - element, providing utilities to find WebElements.
// - elements, find multiple elements.
sidwood commented 10 years ago

Exposing WebElement finders on the protractor instance like so would be nice. Also, in this happy future mocha/chai is supported.

describe('api/ng.$http', function() {
  beforeEach(function() {

  it('should make a JSONP request to', function() {
    client.find.css(':button:contains("Sample JSONP")').click();
    client.find.binding('data').text().should.eventually.match(/Super Hero!/);
juliemr commented 10 years ago

Here's the design for this, based on the following goals:

Protractor will expose a limited set of global variables

  protractor // the namespace, this contains everything available on the
             // webdriver namespace such as Key and Button. This 
             // contains only static stuff. Backwards compatible.
  browser    // an instance of protractor, this wraps an instance of 
             // webdriver, can be used for navigation, getting the title
             // and page source, etc. 
  element    // function for element location, described below.
  by         // for element location, described below. 
  $          // an alias for element(by.css())

Protractor will expose a new type: enhanced element locators. This will be available via the element function.


This element locator can either be used directly


or it can be used via one of the methods that enhanced element locators expose - these generally correspond to actions taken over the webdriver wire protocol.

$('.foo').getText(); // equivalent.

Some helper functions will be added, such as a count() function for repeaters. This will be backwards compatible - you can still do

var ptor = protractor.getInstance();

in that case, ptor === browser and protractor.By.css is a subset of element(by.css).

A Page Object DSL could be created like this:

var TodoPage = function(element) {
  // element locators - no call is made over the webdriver
  // wire protocol by just defining these, only when
  // they are used.
  this.todoList = element(by.repeat('todo in todos'));
  this.newTodo = element(by.model('todoText'));
  this.addTodoButton = element(by.css('.btn-primary'));

  this.addNewTodo = function(todo) {

  this.getLatestTodo = function() {
    return this.todoList.row(0).getText();

Tests would look like:

  todoPage = new TodoPage();
  todoPage.addNewTodo('bake cookies');

The underlying webdriver instance can be accessed with


A complicated action, e.g. something with an action sequence, would look like:

browser.actions().dragAndDrop(element, {x: 30, y: 0}).perform();

Sending a global key press would look like:
