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Firefox 54.0.1 : On auto closed switched tab protractor code stuck forever. #4379

Open qadeerqureshi opened 7 years ago

qadeerqureshi commented 7 years ago

Steps to reproduce the bug

Additional Information: In this firefox version 54.0.1 bugs are fixed which are


wswebcreation commented 7 years ago

Hi @qadeerqureshi ,

I've tried to reproduce your error with the below script

// conf
// An example configuration file.
exports.config = {
    // Capabilities to be passed to the webdriver instance.
    seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/',

    capabilities: {
        'browserName': 'firefox'

    // Framework to use. Jasmine is recommended.
    framework: 'jasmine',

    // Spec patterns are relative to the current working directory when
    // protractor is called.
    specs: ['example_spec.js'],

    // Options to be passed to Jasmine.
    jasmineNodeOpts: {
        defaultTimeoutInterval: 120000
    allScriptsTimeout: 120000,


// spec
describe('switch windows in firefox', function() {
    it('switch between windows', function() {

        // open new popup

        // Need to switch to htem
        browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {
            // Wait is just a validation for myself to check it
            // Swtich to the pop-up
            // close it, I don't want to join ;-)
            // switch back to the previous
            // Wait is just a validation for myself to check it

        // Close the connection error modal
        // Wait is just a validation for myself to check it
        // Open the pop-up again
        // Wait is just a validation for myself to check it

And this works

npm run test.example

> protractor@5.1.2 test.example /Users/wswebcreation/protractor
> node ./bin/protractor example/conf.js

(node:76745) DeprecationWarning: os.tmpDir() is deprecated. Use os.tmpdir() instead.
[10:29:47] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[10:29:47] I/hosted - Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/

1 spec, 0 failures
Finished in 15.974 seconds

[10:30:06] I/launcher - 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running

I'm running on:

Can you verify the above script and check if it works on your machine (mind the geckodriver version)

qadeerqureshi commented 7 years ago

Hi wswebcreation, i really appreciate your effort, but for reproducing this bug you have to let it close automatically by using credentials. Cause it worked for me as well in case of browser.close


wswebcreation commented 7 years ago

But did you also put the focus back on the previous window after submitting your credentials?

qadeerqureshi commented 7 years ago

yes i did but it never execute next statement.

wswebcreation commented 7 years ago

Ok, will dive into it the coming days

wswebcreation commented 7 years ago


I now see what you mean. When you do a normal page load the firefox driver will log these events

13:47:45.938 INFO - Executing: [get:])
1500032865943   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "beforeunload" for "about:blank"
1500032866202   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pagehide" for "about:blank"
1500032866202   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "unload" for "about:blank"
1500032868005   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "DOMContentLoaded" for ""
1500032868095   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pageshow" for ""
1500032868243   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "DOMContentLoaded" for ""
1500032868247   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pageshow" for ""
1500032868399   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "DOMContentLoaded" for ""
1500032868501   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pageshow" for ""
1500032868538   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "DOMContentLoaded" for ""
1500032868562   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pageshow" for ""
1500032868587   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pageshow" for ""
1500032868593   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pageshow" for ""
13:47:48.599 INFO - Done: [get:]

When you successfully logon you are redirected. You then get this logging

13:47:52.372 INFO - Executing: [click: 3 [[FirefoxDriver: firefox on ANY (32b66f9c-60a7-dc40-ad7e-81dbd30743a0)] -> css selector: #u_0_2]])
1500032872413   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "beforeunload" for ""
1500032873550   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pagehide" for ""
1500032873551   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "unload" for ""
1500032873648   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "DOMContentLoaded" for ""
1500032873649   Marionette  DEBUG   Received DOM event "pageshow" for ""

You logged on successful, but the firefox driver looks like it is hanging and not spawning any logging anymore. It then gives a timeout due to the Jasmine timeout

@qadeerqureshi , did you also got this working on other browsers?

heathkit commented 7 years ago

Thanks for investigating! It might be related to, but isn't the exact same issue. Do you have this problem on other browsers? Can you try running against firefox nightly?

If you guys could boil this down to a simple test that demonstrates the issue and put it on github, that'd be really helpful. We could show that to the geckodriver and selenium folks and see what they think.