Open ash-lionell opened 6 years ago
I also have the same problem... In my case, protractor testing progress will be stopped after when the page changes.
Similar issue, which seems to happen to me since Chrome 64
Same here. It was working since the Chrome 64 update. Now when I perform a browser.get('someUrl') and do a subsequent browser.wait it stalls. I now have to logout and log back in prior to each of my tests. This is cumbersome.
same issue as @philsnyder
I get " Error: function timed out after 5000 milliseconds" on the following code:
Given(/^I open exercise list page$/, async () => {
await browser.get('/#/exercise-list');
await browser.wait(EC.urlContains('exercise-list'), 1000);
I'm using cucumber. It fails only locally, on chrome 64 (headless or not). If I use Firefox (locally) or a docker image, or chrome 63, I have no errors. Increasing timeout doesn't change anything, also if I run the code not in headless mode, i can clearly see that the page is open.
Same issue here. Calling a subsequent browser.wait after a browser.get() stalls. Chrome 64.
same error like @gologox since Chrome 64.
Seems to be fixed with Chrome 65.
I'm on chrome 65 but the issue is still there.
Hi there!
I am facing a similar issue, when using browser.restart. In my case, a subsequent browser.wait call waits almost indefinitely, and times out after an obscene amount of time, although the page is loaded and visible the whole time.
I perform the restart operation in the Before hook of Cucumber:
Before(function(scenario) { let currFeatureName=scenario.sourceLocation.uri; console.log('feature : ',currFeatureName); if(featureName===null) featureName=currFeatureName; else if(currFeatureName!==featureName) return browser.restart(); });
Followed by a Given, where I perform a browser.get, followed by a browser.wait, before interacting with my element:
Given(/^user is logged in SNAPP$/,function(){ console.log('started : '); browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; browser.driver.get(browser.params.logon.url); browser.wait(until.visibilityOf(element('logonDialogLbl'))),1000,'waiting to load url'); logonpage.logon(); browser.sleep(2000);
It is seemingly getting stuck in the browser.wait call, and times out, after waiting for an enormous amount of time.