Operating System and Version windows 10 Enterprise
Note I also have an issue #5440 open with using seleniumSessionId and w3c
Is this a breaking change? (How will this affect existing functionality)
We run each test individually and connect to an existing selenium session, this prevents us from having to login and load our application for each test.
Output from running the test
when running a test passing an existing seleniumSessionId for Protractor 7 I noticed the following [12:00:44] W/runner - Ignoring unknown extra flags: jasmine-node-opts, selenium-session-id. This will be an error in future versions, please use --disableChecks flag to disable the Protractor CLI flag checks.
We start the webdriver then create a session, we then pass that session id when running tests.
A relevant example test
C:\svt-web-client\projects\client-ng\node_modules.bin\protractor C:\svt-web-client\projects\client-ng\protractor.e2e.atf.conf.js --grep "C3238276" --seleniumSessionId=d65a54ed9fcea2d9fc1639cfbbcc3a03'
Without being able to pass the seleniumSessionId our tests would take significally longer having to start a browser session and login each time.
Your protractor configuration file
'use strict';
var log4js = require('log4js');
const path = require('path');
const downloads = path.resolve('/work/protractor/downloads');
Bug report
windows 10 Enterprise
Note I also have an issue #5440 open with using seleniumSessionId and w3c
Is this a breaking change? (How will this affect existing functionality) We run each test individually and connect to an existing selenium session, this prevents us from having to login and load our application for each test.
Output from running the test when running a test passing an existing seleniumSessionId for Protractor 7 I noticed the following [12:00:44] W/runner - Ignoring unknown extra flags: jasmine-node-opts, selenium-session-id. This will be an error in future versions, please use --disableChecks flag to disable the Protractor CLI flag checks.
We start the webdriver then create a session, we then pass that session id when running tests.
Without being able to pass the seleniumSessionId our tests would take significally longer having to start a browser session and login each time.
exports.config = { framework: 'jasmine',
seleniumAddress: '',
// capabilities : {browserName : 'chrome'}, capabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', chromeOptions: { prefs: { download: { default_directory: downloads } } } },
// directConnect : true,
allScriptsTimeout: 120000,
suites: { e2e: './dist/e2e-atf/*/.atf-e2e-spec.js' },
resultJsonOutputFile: 'c:/work/ATF/Logs/results.json',
jasmineNodeOpts: { showColors: true },