angular / router

The Angular 1 Component Router
MIT License
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[ui.router] - ui-sref-active equivalent #276

Open mrzepinski opened 9 years ago

mrzepinski commented 9 years ago

I looked at router.es5.js code and I don't see that ngLinkDirective supports that. There is not also another directive which be able to handle it.

Is it any plans to implement it? I know that is not rocket science to write it by my own, but it will be nice to support it by new router.

@btford FYI

btford commented 9 years ago

No need to ping me – I already get a notification for each issue files against this repo.

I think this is a fair feature request, especially since it'd be a bit tricky to roll your own in a performant way.

lekkalapudi commented 9 years ago


OliverKK commented 9 years ago


rudzikdawid commented 8 years ago
