angulardart / angular

Fast and productive web framework provided by Dart
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Null-safety in stable #1955

Closed Alex-A4 closed 2 years ago

Alex-A4 commented 3 years ago

Hey! Are there any plans to move null-safety to stable? I see null-safety on google branch of repo, is it ready for production?

supermuka commented 3 years ago

I am very grateful to Google for sharing its technologies. However, we are dependent on all decisions in its surroundings. This ends up impacting our decisions. It really would be great if we had a long-term visibility for when the new version of Angulardart is planned to be released in production.

kevin-lot commented 3 years ago

Hey! Are there any plans to move null-safety to stable? I see null-safety on google branch of repo, is it ready for production?

In the README: ;)

But I'm not agree with "strongly encourage you to consider Flutter" because I considerer it is not very stable for the web even in 2.0 (and it is not compatible with Internet Explorer).

insinfo commented 3 years ago


I am a passionate developer for AngularDart, and I also use Flutter for mobile development, I also don’t agree with

"strongly encourage you to consider Flutter"

I believe that Flutter can never completely replace AngularDart because the flutter does not support first class WEB technologies like HTML and CSS. AngularDart is extremely productive in the web scenario.

karelric commented 3 years ago

I am starting to regret using angular with dart and not with typescript. The maintenance on this repository is really disappointed.

insinfo commented 3 years ago

@krel024 I have used AngularDart a lot with dart 2.12 and it has worked very well for me without the null security, I have not missed it

KevinBLT commented 3 years ago

I also think AngularDart is the better option for web.

For me personally two things are unattractive for flutter in the web:

I like that flutter is pushing dart but to especially create web content - AngularDart fits the task better. Although I like parts of flutter, I think compiling angular components into a native app would have been a much better option. I can live with the actual situation but AngularDart should definitely stay alive!

insinfo commented 3 years ago

@KevinBLT I totally agree with you

hassansaleh31 commented 3 years ago

I have to upgrade our web app to the latest version of angular because we have some shared code between our mobile apps written in Flutter and our Web apps written in angular dart.

We're currently migrating the shared package to null safety and our mobile apps to Flutter 2.0 but now the web apps require a new version of angular with updated dependencies to work with the shared package.

I checked the master branch on this repo and it has all the upgraded dependencies I need so I tried to do this:

      ref: master
      path: angular
      ref: master
      path: angular_forms
      ref: master
      path: angular_router

But I got the following error:

Resolving dependencies...
Because every version of angular_router from git depends on angular from hosted and **** depends on angular from git, angular_router from git is forbidden.
So, because **** depends on angular_router from git, version solving failed.
exit code 1

Anyone has a valid workaround?

dukefirehawk commented 3 years ago

Try adding the following after the dev_dependencies in the pubspec file

      ref: master
      path: angular_router
jodinathan commented 3 years ago

any news on this?

our company needs to upgrade to null safety and we are also pondering about forking and improve AngularDart/Components, but we can do neither until it is at null safety level.

KevinBLT commented 3 years ago

We are also awaiting this. I am considering pushing something like angulardart_temp or similar to to push code from git and avoid package dependency errors as shown above. In the end I don't understand why no one at google can ... like click the button to publish? I am sure they are using some up-to-date stable internally.

kevmoo commented 2 years ago

I have begun publishing the null safe versions of these packages

karelric commented 2 years ago

I have begun publishing the null safe versions of these packages

Better late than never. Thanks!

jodinathan commented 2 years ago

I have begun publishing the null safe versions of these packages

Is angular_components in the list? 🥺

hassansaleh31 commented 2 years ago

It's about time 🎊🎉

KevinBLT commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot! Finally! :D

insinfo commented 2 years ago

@kevmoo Thank you very much, I work with a lot of AngularDart projects in my organization as well as other teams I know in other companies please don't leave AngularDart abandoned, AngularDart is an excellent technology for web development.