angulardart / angular_components

The official Material Design components for AngularDart. Used at Google in production apps.
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acx-scorecard inside a material-expansionpanel #427

Open stephan-gruen opened 5 years ago

stephan-gruen commented 5 years ago

You can not put a acx-scorecard inside a material-expansionpanel. The scorecard will be always shown as part of the name/title of the expansionpanel, not as content.

  angular: ^6.0.0-alpha
  angular_components: ^0.14.0-alpha
<material-expansionpanel flat name="Test" [showSaveCancel]="false">
  <material-input floatingLabel  label="Im content"></material-input>
            label="Im part of the title"
TedSander commented 5 years ago

[value] is the selector for the content of the expansionpanel. I don't see us changing this anytime soon as it is a breaking change, but that is going to conflict with acx-scorecard. Renaming either will be a big breaking change that we would need to change a ton of files.

I think you can either change it to an expression [value]="foo" or add an element as a parent to the scorecard to work around this.