angulardart / angular_components

The official Material Design components for AngularDart. Used at Google in production apps.
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How do I dynamically reference a material-icon for a material-tooltip-card? #439

Open sigi77 opened 4 years ago

sigi77 commented 4 years ago

I'm creating table rows in with an *ngFor. For certain students I would like to show an icon that shows a material-tooltip-card when hovered over it. Is there a way I can dynamically change #ref1?

`<tr ngFor="let student of course.students ;[routerLink]="studentUrl(student.externeDatenbankID.toString())"> <td ngIf="hasWarning"> <div *ngIf="student.spezialfallProtokolle.length>0"> <material-icon icon="error_outline" tooltipTarget tabIndex="0" keyboardOnlyFocusIndicator size="medium"


        <material-tooltip-card [for]="ref1" focusContents>
           Content for {{}}


Because all icons now have the same reference the tooltip-card flips between all instances when hovered over the icon.