angulardart / angular_components

The official Material Design components for AngularDart. Used at Google in production apps.
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MaterialTimePickerComponent popupVisible is not working #450

Open stephan-gruen opened 4 years ago

stephan-gruen commented 4 years ago

MaterialTimePickerComponent popupVisible "Make the dropdown visibility accessible so it can be opened from outside the component."

If you set

timePicker.popupVisible = true;

the popupVisibleChange event is triggered with a bool value (visible) of true, but the dropdown is not shown.

If you click it afterwards, the dropdown will flicker, then close and popupVisibleChange is triggernd with a value of false. Then you can click it a second time to open the dropdown menu.

I also use popupVisible on MaterialDatetimePicker and it works as intended.