angulartics / angulartics-piwik

Piwik plugin for Angulartics
MIT License
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Trouble tracking outlinks or downloads #1

Open nmstoker opened 8 years ago

nmstoker commented 8 years ago


Firstly, thank you for all the effort that's gone into this plugin! It's really appreciated!

I've set it up on a local intranet server (running CentOS/Apache) which is hosting Piwik itself and also the internal site I'm using it to trac. Generally it is working well, but there are some strange issues I find when look at outlinks or downloads.

My set up is to use Yeoman (w/ Grunt etc), so if I have it generating a localhost version, the downloads seem to be tracked okay, but as soon as I put it on my internal server I find that nothing gets tracked for downloads (or outlinks it seems). I do plan to set it up so it doesn't track on the localhost but have yet to do that.

Are there any recommended first steps to check?

Is this the best place to raise this? (it could go in the Issues for Angulartics or potentially even to Piwik although I suspect I should rule out a few things first before going there)

So far I've tried resetting the site stats and vistor logs (eg directly in the tables). Incidentally I'd noticed that entries from when the site was viewed in localhost first the Piwik UI then only has links pointing at localhost.

Also I've ensured that I don't have the site ticked under Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs. and have Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs set to "Yes".

My outlinks open another tab, but this doesn't seem to be a problem as it registers them when using localhost, just not when on the intranet server.

I was able to create a "Download" event (as per the Declarative tracking point on ) but that only shows under the Events section and nothing gets logged in the Downloads section of Piwik (I guess that's expected, given that it isn't registering downloads w/o this code)

Any suggestions?

Many thanks, Neil

nmstoker commented 8 years ago

Quick update: I never found a way round this beyond using Events that you categorise as "Downloads" - this is a reasonable way for my own needs, but it would be interesting to understand what was going wrong or whether this is a limitation from using AngularJS with Piwik etc etc.