anharu2394 / tapioca

a Flutter plugin for video editing on Android and iOS.
MIT License
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video_processing_failed #68

Open UjjawalPanchal opened 2 years ago

UjjawalPanchal commented 2 years ago

Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(video_processing_failed, video processing is failed., null, null)

[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(video_processing_failed, video processing is failed., null, null) StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:607:7) MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:177:18)

VideoEditor.writeVideofile (package:tapioca/src/video_editor.dart:14:5) Getting this error after selection of file and send "Cup" for Video editing. try { var tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory(); final path = '${tempDir.path}/result2.mp4'; final tapiocaBalls = [ TapiocaBall.filter(, //TapiocaBall.imageOverlay(imageBitmap, 300, 300), TapiocaBall.textOverlay("text", 100, 10, 100, const Color(0xffffc0cb)), ]; final cup = Cup(Content(_video.path), tapiocaBalls); cup.suckUp(path).then((_) async { print("finished"); print(path); GallerySaver.saveVideo(path).then((bool? success) { print(success.toString()); }); setState(() {}); }); } on Exception { print("error!!!!"); }
UjjawalPanchal commented 2 years ago

I need help on this issue... can anyone help on the same


nur001 commented 2 years ago

I also encountered the same problem. How did you solve it

anharu2394 commented 1 year ago

@UjjawalPanchal @nur001 on iOS or Android?

UjjawalPanchal commented 1 year ago

I have tried it on Android.

amrhassann commented 1 year ago

i had the same problem but when i run the app on my real device it works good

AmarchandK commented 1 year ago

not working in emulator work only in physical device

MusabBoltX commented 5 months ago

Even I am still facing this issue on Android real device

AakashKedari commented 3 months ago

I am trying to apply tapioca filter to a video which was created using ffmpeg package in flutter. but it giving me the same above error. But when I try to apply regular camera generated videos, it works fine. Why? I am giving below the command I used to generate ffmpeg video : String command = "-hide_banner -y " + customImagePaths + "-filter_complex " + "\"[0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,scale=w='if(gte(iw/ih,640/427),min(iw,640),-1)':h='if(gte(iw/ih,640/427),-1,min(ih,427))',scale=trunc(iw/2)2:trunc(ih/2)2,setsar=sar=1/1,split=2[stream1out1][stream1out2];" + "[1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,scale=w='if(gte(iw/ih,640/427),min(iw,640),-1)':h='if(gte(iw/ih,640/427),-1,min(ih,427))',scale=trunc(iw/2)2:trunc(ih/2)2,setsar=sar=1/1,split=2[stream2out1][stream2out2];" + "[stream1out1]pad=width=640:height=427:x=(640-iw)/2:y=(427-ih)/2:color=#00000000,trim=duration=3,select=lte(n\,90)[stream1overlaid];" + "[stream1out2]pad=width=640:height=427:x=(640-iw)/2:y=(427-ih)/2:color=#00000000,trim=duration=1,select=lte(n\,30)[stream1ending];" + "[stream2out1]pad=width=640:height=427:x=(640-iw)/2:y=(427-ih)/2:color=#00000000,trim=duration=2,select=lte(n\,60)[stream2overlaid];" + "[stream2out2]pad=width=640:height=427:x=(640-iw)/2:y=(427-ih)/2:color=#00000000,trim=duration=1,select=lte(n\,30),split=2[stream2starting][stream2ending];" + "[stream2starting][stream1ending]blend=all_expr='if(gte(X,(W/2)T/1)lte(X,W-(W/2)T/1),B,A)':shortest=1[stream2blended];" + "[stream3starting][stream2ending]blend=all_expr='if(gte(X,(W/2)T/1)lte(X,W-(W/2)T/1),B,A)':shortest=1[stream3blended];" + "[stream1overlaid][stream2blended][stream2overlaid]concat=n=3:v=1:a=0,scale=w=640:h=424,format=" + "yuv420p" + "[video]\"" + " -map [video] -fps_mode cfr " + "" + "-c:v " + "mpeg4" + " -r 30 " + output_path;