anharu2394 / tapioca

a Flutter plugin for video editing on Android and iOS.
MIT License
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Video-Path is not generated in Android Real device. #82

Open div-mobioxy opened 5 months ago

div-mobioxy commented 5 months ago

I have tried so many times to generate the video with Logo and text as watermark in Android Real device, but it stuck and doing long process and It could not generated any video path in Android real device. I used latest package. Yeah It's working fine in iOS device but not Android real device. Any solution ? please help. Below my code:

final generatedDestinationPath = await getOutputVideoPath(); final tapiocaBalls = [ TapiocaBall.textOverlay(timeStamp, 20, 35, 24,, ]; final cup = Cup(Content(outputVideoPath), tapiocaBalls); await cup.suckUp(generatedDestinationPath).then(() async { if (await File(outputVideoPath).exists()) { await File(outputVideoPath).delete(); } Navigator.of(GlobalVariable.navigatorState.currentContext!) .pop(); // Dismiss the dialog. Navigator.of(GlobalVariable.navigatorState.currentContext!).push( MaterialPageRoute( builder: (_) => VideoAndPhotoPreviewScreen( filePath: generatedDestinationPath, isTypeVideo: true, ), ), ); })