anharu2394 / tapioca

a Flutter plugin for video editing on Android and iOS.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Ability to Remove Filters (Tapioca Balls) Once Applied #83

Open muhammadahmerkhan opened 4 months ago

muhammadahmerkhan commented 4 months ago

Description of the Issue: Currently, the Tapioca package for Flutter lacks the functionality to remove filters (tapiocaBalls) once they have been applied. This limitation hinders users from dynamically adjusting or removing filters without having to reprocess the entire video from the original source.

Current Implementation: When adding a filter, we use the following code:

final cup = Cup(Content(inputPath), tapiocaBalls ?? []);
await cup.suckUp(outputPath);

Once the filter is applied, there is no provided method to remove or reset the applied filter from the video.

Proposed Feature: Introduce a method or functionality within the Tapioca package that allows users to remove or reset the applied filters (tapiocaBalls) without needing to reprocess the video from scratch. This will enable more flexible and dynamic video editing capabilities.


  1. Improved user experience by allowing dynamic changes to video filters.
  2. Increased flexibility in video editing workflows.
  3. Reduced processing time and resource usage by avoiding reprocessing the entire video.
// Applying a filter
final cup = Cup(Content(inputPath), [tapiocaBall]);
await cup.suckUp(outputPath);

// Removing the applied filter
await cup.removeTapiocaBall(outputPath); 

If anyone have implementatoin regarding the removing/ clearing functionality :

await cup.removeTapiocaBall(outputPath); 

then please make a Pull Request and merge in the main, so others can use also.

Additional Information: If there are existing workarounds or suggestions for achieving this functionality with the current version of the package, please provide guidance.

Thank you for considering this feature request!