anhbantre / PersonFollowingRobot

Person Following Robot - Smart Trolley
GNU General Public License v3.0
36 stars 2 forks source link

[Question] Release of the complete project #1

Open vladmosoiu98 opened 3 weeks ago

vladmosoiu98 commented 3 weeks ago


First of all, great work with this project and thank you for publicly releasing parts of it!

I was wondering if you plan on releasing also the following_control and speed_execute parts of the projects (as I noticed in your diagram). Also, did you try to enclose everything into a ROS2 set of packages along with the Nav2 framework? (I noticed on your profile you have some experience with those too)

Thanks and best of luck!

anhbantre commented 2 weeks ago

Hi sir!

Thank you for your question.

Actually, I lost those codes in an accident, so I can't release them. Sorry about it.

At that time I built based on ROS1 to complete my thesis project. I really want to try it out with ROS2 and integrate many extra features but after that, I didn't have the opportunity to do it.

Thanks and feel free to contact me if you need further information.