anhhanuman / cypress-kaniel

learning course from Kaniel Author
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lessons - what learnt #1

Open anhhanuman opened 2 years ago

anhhanuman commented 2 years ago

lesson 6: .prettierrc json - understand semi, singleQuote, useTabs,...

anhhanuman commented 2 years ago
  1. prettier setup

  2. Intelligent Code Completion using the tsconfig.json -> there are questions that this file is not working

  3. implicit waits, pause, debug

  4. Validating counts of elements on the page

  5. Browser refresh/reload

  6. Clear & Type text with option

  7. Variables and Aliases

  8. Chaining Assertions

  9. Clear cookies and locla storage

  10. Time and Date Modification

  11. Viewport and Devices Emulation

  12. Get and Assert page tiltes

  13. Explore Cypress Json File

  14. Fixture & Static Test Data

  15. Keyboard Press Simulation

  16. Screenshots

  17. Scrolling on the page

  18. Write Data into Json/Local Data Files

  19. Read Data from Json/Local Data Files

  20. Assert Content Type

  21. Abstraction with classes

  22. Before & After Hooks

  23. Install and use XPATH plugin

  24. CLI - run single test file in headless mode