anhnongdan / sBIMAX

Official source code for sBIMAX - the stream analyzer for Media Content Provider
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VideoAnalytics doesn't count play for iOS site #7

Open anhnongdan opened 6 years ago

anhnongdan commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2017-10-26 at 11 07 55 am screen shot 2017-10-26 at 11 09 08 am screen shot 2017-10-26 at 11 10 17 am
anhnongdan commented 6 years ago

It seems that the same problem happen for THVL1 HD on idsite 2008. As data 2017/10/23

screen shot 2017-10-26 at 11 10 17 am screen shot 2017-10-26 at 11 27 07 am
anhnongdan commented 6 years ago
MariaDB [pw2]> select * from piwik_log_media where server_time > '2017-10-23' and idsite="2008" limit 20;
| idvisitor | idvisit  | idsite | idview           | player_name | media_type | resolution | fullscreen | media_title                                              | resource                                                                                                                 | server_time         | time_to_initial_play | watched_time | media_progress | media_length |
| �K�}�V�  | 13453666 |   2008 | 1ea80b54-2701-40 | ExoPlayer   |          0 | 720x405    |          0 | T�nh K? N?                                               |                                                                                              | 2017-10-24 20:11:26 |                    0 |           16 |             16 |         1823 |
| @��  | 12953462 |   2008 | 82632643-8c6b-4d | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | Ai S? Th�nh Sao Nh� - T?p 1: V�ng tuy?n ch?n             |                                           | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ���c̪  | 12955628 |   2008 | 17171103-289d-41 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 1280x720   |          0 | Ai S? Th�nh Sao Nh� - T?p 9: V�ng t?ng t?c               |                                           | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |         3279 |           3279 |         4358 |
| �����]
        '  | 12956184 |   2008 | 5a79a558-fcc9-47 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 540x303    |          0 | Osin N?i Lo?n - T?p 42                                   |                                                        | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |         1962 |           1962 |         2149 |
| "�u��  | 12956580 |   2008 | e72f96cb-0ec5-40 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 600x337    |          0 | �m M?u V� T�nh Y�u - T?p 882                             |                                         | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |         2550 |           2550 |         2583 |
| XBeK�3�  | 12956645 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1 HD                                                 | | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
|  sV+���  | 12956653 |   2008 | ab4b3fed-d1b0-43 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | T�nh Bolero � Phi�n B?n Ngh?  S? 2017 | T?p 9: T�nh N?ng |                                          | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
|   ӷ��%>  | 12956654 |   2008 | 0239b9bc-f36c-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 800x450    |          0 | �m M?u V� T�nh Y�u - T?p 16                              |                                                 | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |         2374 |           2374 |         3093 |
| n�r�W���  | 12959379 |   2008 | 570be59b-c820-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 1920x1080  |          0 | Th? t�i si�u nh� M�a 2 � T?p 3: V�ng thi?t l?p           |                                     | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |         2079 |           2079 |         4513 |
| �q̄�BuY  | 13070017 |   2008 | 19f75275-19a5-4d | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 306x171    |          0 | T�nh ??i - T?p 489                                       |                                                    | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |            3 |              3 |         2038 |
| y�����1  | 12954639 |   2008 | 570be59b-c820-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 800x450    |          0 | Th? t�i si�u nh� M�a 2 � T?p 3: V�ng thi?t l?p           |                                     | 2017-10-23 00:00:10 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ~��nΈ  | 12956380 |   2008 | 6bf548d8-f90f-4e | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | B�nh Minh Tr�n Ng?n L?a                                  |                                                 | 2017-10-23 00:00:10 |                    0 |         1793 |           1793 |         2759 |
|   ӷ��%>  | 12956654 |   2008 | 6758f6fd-447c-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 800x450    |          0 | �m M?u V� T�nh Y�u -T?p 496                              |                                                | 2017-10-23 00:00:10 |                    0 |          445 |            445 |         2634 |
| �gʙ���  | 12956668 |   2008 | 0239b9bc-f36c-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | �m M?u V� T�nh Y�u - T?p 881                             |                                         | 2017-10-23 00:00:10 |                    0 |         2530 |           2530 |         2563 |
| hIP�1r  | 12956676 |   2008 | 0239b9bc-f36c-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 800x450    |          0 | �m M?u V� T�nh Y�u - T?p 880                             |                                         | 2017-10-23 00:00:10 |                    0 |         2424 |           2424 |         2569 |
| �g �=]�  | 12966069 |   2008 | 0c4f27af-42a2-48 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 409x230    |          0 | Chuy?n C?a ??m - T?p 624: B�ng Hoa Qu� Kh?               |                                               | 2017-10-23 00:00:14 |                    0 |          110 |            110 |          261 |
| y�����1  | 12954639 |   2008 | 9d74815a-0457-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 800x450    |          0 | Th? t�i si�u nh� M�a 2 � T?p 2: V�ng thi?t l?p           |                                         | 2017-10-23 00:00:21 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ����L �y  | 12956484 |   2008 | 8004ff1c-95ad-4c | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | Quy?n N?ng Ph�i ??p - T?p 13: B?n r?n c?ng ph?i ??p      |                                          | 2017-10-23 00:00:21 |                    0 |           51 |             51 |         1654 |
20 rows in set (1.35 sec)

MariaDB [pw2]> select * from piwik_log_media where server_time > '2017-10-23' and idsite="2017" limit 20;
| idvisitor | idvisit  | idsite | idview           | player_name   | media_type | resolution | fullscreen | media_title                                                                                                                                     | resource                                                                                                                               | server_time         | time_to_initial_play | watched_time | media_progress | media_length |
| ��H�O  | 12985436 |   2017 | 59a9ac359be05d86 | native_player |          1 | 320x180    |          0 | T%E1%BA%ADp%201%20-%20Ai%20S%E1%BA%BD%20Th%C3%A0nh%20Sao%20Nh%C3%AD                                                                             |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 03:29:20 |                    0 |            0 |              9 |            0 |
| ��H�O  | 12986422 |   2017 | 59a9ac359be05d86 | native_player |          1 | 320x180    |          0 | T%E1%BA%ADp%201%20-%20Ai%20S%E1%BA%BD%20Th%C3%A0nh%20Sao%20Nh%C3%AD                                                                             |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 03:29:20 |                    0 |            0 |              9 |            0 |
| ��H�O  | 12986482 |   2017 | 59a9ac359be05d86 | native_player |          1 | 320x180    |          0 | T%E1%BA%ADp%201%20-%20Ai%20S%E1%BA%BD%20Th%C3%A0nh%20Sao%20Nh%C3%AD                                                                             |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 03:29:31 |                    0 |            0 |              9 |            0 |
| ��H�O  | 12986537 |   2017 | 59a9ac359be05d86 | native_player |          1 | 320x180    |          0 | T%E1%BA%ADp%201%20-%20Ai%20S%E1%BA%BD%20Th%C3%A0nh%20Sao%20Nh%C3%AD                                                                             |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 03:29:55 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ��H�O  | 12986538 |   2017 | 59a9ac359be05d86 | native_player |          1 | 320x180    |          0 | T%E1%BA%ADp%201%20-%20Ai%20S%E1%BA%BD%20Th%C3%A0nh%20Sao%20Nh%C3%AD                                                                             |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 03:29:55 |                    0 |            0 |              9 |            0 |
| ��H�O  | 12986862 |   2017 | 59a9ac359be05d86 | native_player |          1 | 320x180    |          0 | T%E1%BA%ADp%201%20-%20Ai%20S%E1%BA%BD%20Th%C3%A0nh%20Sao%20Nh%C3%AD                                                                             |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 03:31:52 |                    0 |            0 |              9 |            0 |
| ��H�O  | 12986863 |   2017 | 59a9ac359be05d86 | native_player |          1 | 320x180    |          0 | T%E1%BA%ADp%201%20-%20Ai%20S%E1%BA%BD%20Th%C3%A0nh%20Sao%20Nh%C3%AD                                                                             |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 03:31:52 |                    0 |            0 |              9 |            0 |
| @�#N^�  | 13171261 |   2017 | ca8b42679e6e6549 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | THVL2%20HD                                                                                                                                      |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 15:24:10 |                    0 |            0 |           7188 |            0 |
| @�#N^�  | 13171261 |   2017 | aad8a67725e4cdad | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1%20HD%20-%20Phim%20%E1%BA%A4n%20%C4%90%E1%BB%99:%20%C3%82m%20m%C6%B0u%20v%C3%A0%20t%C3%ACnh%20y%C3%AAu%20%E2%80%93%20T.883                 |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 15:24:30 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| @�#N^�  | 13171261 |   2017 | d7f6183c07d35941 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1%20HD%20-%20Gi%E1%BA%A3i%20tr%C3%AD%20truy%E1%BB%81n%20h%C3%ACnh:%20T%C3%ACnh%20Bolero%20phi%C3%AAn%20b%E1%BA%A3n%20ngh%E1%BB%87%20s%C4%A9 |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-23 15:24:30 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |         4500 |
| ��Xio�C  | 13220833 |   2017 | f3555ceed354bc72 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | %C4%90%C3%A0i%20Ph%C3%A1t%20Thanh%20Truy%E1%BB%81n%20H%C3%ACnh%20B%C3%A0%20R%E1%BB%8Ba%20V%C5%A9ng%20T%C3%A0u                                   |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-24 01:32:11 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �fHd�H�  | 13224214 |   2017 | f3555ceed354bc72 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | %C4%90%C3%A0i%20Ph%C3%A1t%20Thanh%20Truy%E1%BB%81n%20H%C3%ACnh%20B%C3%A0%20R%E1%BB%8Ba%20V%C5%A9ng%20T%C3%A0u                                   |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-24 01:51:51 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �r���FF<  | 13225169 |   2017 | f3555ceed354bc72 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | %C4%90%C3%A0i%20Ph%C3%A1t%20Thanh%20Truy%E1%BB%81n%20H%C3%ACnh%20B%C3%A0%20R%E1%BB%8Ba%20V%C5%A9ng%20T%C3%A0u                                   |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-24 01:57:10 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �r���FF<  | 13236341 |   2017 | f3555ceed354bc72 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | %C4%90%C3%A0i%20Ph%C3%A1t%20Thanh%20Truy%E1%BB%81n%20H%C3%ACnh%20B%C3%A0%20R%E1%BB%8Ba%20V%C5%A9ng%20T%C3%A0u                                   |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-24 03:06:00 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ��Xio�C  | 13236549 |   2017 | fab9a33e5c06817d | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | Th%E1%BB%9Di%20S%E1%BB%B1%20T%E1%BB%91i%2028-09-2017                                                                                            |                                                                                                                | 2017-10-24 03:07:00 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �.�F�L�  | 13304402 |   2017 | cbbbaeaedb2015db | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | B%E1%BA%A3n%20Tin%20Khoa%20H%E1%BB%8Dc%20C%C3%B4ng%20Ngh%E1%BB%87                                                                               | | 2017-10-24 08:47:37 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �.�F�L�  | 13304402 |   2017 | f3555ceed354bc72 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | %C4%90%C3%A0i%20Ph%C3%A1t%20Thanh%20Truy%E1%BB%81n%20H%C3%ACnh%20B%C3%A0%20R%E1%BB%8Ba%20V%C5%A9ng%20T%C3%A0u                                   |                                                                          | 2017-10-24 08:47:37 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ���Vg�EG  | 13307535 |   2017 | 5c1adce5808a6d85 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | T%E1%BA%ADp%201%20-%20T%C3%ACnh%20K%E1%BB%B9%20N%E1%BB%AF                                                                                       |                                                              | 2017-10-24 08:47:37 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ���Vg�EG  | 13307535 |   2017 | ca8b42679e6e6549 | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | THVL2%20HD                                                                                                                                      |             | 2017-10-24 08:47:37 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ���Vg�EG  | 13307536 |   2017 | 52869b6220d9cfec | native_player |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1%20HD                                                                                                                                      |             | 2017-10-24 08:47:37 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [pw2]> select * from piwik_log_media where server_time > '2017-10-23' and idsite="2008" and media_title like "%THVL1%HD%" limit 20;
| idvisitor | idvisit  | idsite | idview           | player_name | media_type | resolution | fullscreen | media_title | resource                                                                                                                 | server_time         | time_to_initial_play | watched_time | media_progress | media_length |
| XBeK�3�  | 12956645 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �������  | 12956711 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 540x303    |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:00:31 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �@�~��  | 12956731 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 1080x607   |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:00:38 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �q�8$�  | 12956723 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:00:40 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
  �]��T  | 12956745 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:01:10 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| *pp�*�Հ  | 12954757 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 407x229    |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:01:30 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| إS�V�8  | 12956808 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:01:30 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
 /y�-Xy  | 12956829 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 1280x720   |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:01:30 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �lN�*�G)  | 12956875 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:02:00 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| D��G�|�  | 12956892 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:02:01 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ��s��]  | 12956957 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:02:31 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �v�q&�  | 12956994 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:02:51 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ]��'v|  | 12956501 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:03:00 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �x�Ajl  | 12957014 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 1080x607   |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:03:01 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ����t  | 12957162 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:03:12 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ����t  | 12957165 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:03:12 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ���9�Zf  | 12957037 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 1920x1080  |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:03:21 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �X"Ry�  | 12957177 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:03:39 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| vs�9�w�  | 12956581 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 276x155    |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:03:41 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| �Kz�z�  | 12956961 |   2008 | aab94d1f-44e1-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 1080x607   |          0 | THVL1 HD    | | 2017-10-23 00:03:51 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
20 rows in set (1.35 sec)

# Compare to this, the only difference is the last 4 columns
|  sV+���  | 12956653 |   2008 | ab4b3fed-d1b0-43 | ExoPlayer   |          1 |            |          0 | T�nh Bolero � Phi�n B?n Ngh?  S? 2017 | T?p 9: T�nh N?ng |                                          | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
|   ӷ��%>  | 12956654 |   2008 | 0239b9bc-f36c-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 800x450    |          0 | �m M?u V� T�nh Y�u - T?p 16                              |                                                 | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |         2374 |           2374 |         3093 |
| n�r�W���  | 12959379 |   2008 | 570be59b-c820-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 1920x1080  |          0 | Th? t�i si�u nh� M�a 2 � T?p 3: V�ng thi?t l?p           |                                     | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |         2079 |           2079 |         4513 |
| �q̄�BuY  | 13070017 |   2008 | 19f75275-19a5-4d | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 306x171    |          0 | T�nh ??i - T?p 489                                       |                                                    | 2017-10-23 00:00:01 |                    0 |            3 |              3 |         2038 |
| y�����1  | 12954639 |   2008 | 570be59b-c820-4a | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 800x450    |          0 | Th? t�i si�u nh� M�a 2 � T?p 3: V�ng thi?t l?p           |                                     | 2017-10-23 00:00:10 |                    0 |            0 |              0 |            0 |
| ~��nΈ  | 12956380 |   2008 | 6bf548d8-f90f-4e | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 720x405    |          0 | B�nh Minh Tr�n Ng?n L?a                                  |                                                 | 2017-10-23 00:00:10 |                    0 |         1793 |           1793 |         2759 |
|   ӷ��%>  | 12956654 |   2008 | 6758f6fd-447c-49 | ExoPlayer   |          1 | 800x450    |          0 | �m M?u V� T�nh Y�u -T?p 496                              |                                                | 2017-10-23 00:00:10 |                    0 |          445 |            445 |         2634 |
anhnongdan commented 6 years ago


update media_length of THVL1 HD: MariaDB [pw2]> update piwik_log_media set media_length=1000 where server_time > '2017-10-24' and server_time < '2017-10-25' and idsite="2017" and media_title like "%THVL1%HD%";

Invalidate report and rerun archive: ./console core:invalidate-report-data --dates=2017-10-24,2017-10-24 --sites=2017 ./console core:archive --force-idsites="2017" --force-periods="day" --force-date-range="2017-10-24,2017-10-24" (checked archive table after invalidating to make sure)

But play count doesn't come up quite yet

anhnongdan commented 6 years ago

Test 2

Update 3 columns:

MariaDB [pw2]> update piwik_log_media set media_length=1000, media_progress=100, watched_time=50 where server_time > '2017-10-24' and server_time < '2017-10-25' and idsite="2017" and media_title like "%THVL1%HD%";
Query OK, 11 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 11  Changed: 11  Warnings: 0

THVL1 comes up this time:

screen shot 2017-10-26 at 12 05 46 pm
anhnongdan commented 6 years ago

Look into VideoAnalytics archive file, we can see that media_length and watched time are needed to count plays