anhr / WebFeatures

WebRTC video SignalR chat.
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Web RTC with Azure #1

Open syedhassanfaraz opened 6 years ago

syedhassanfaraz commented 6 years ago

Can we use Web RTC with Azure. I have collaboration module in my app building in MVC5 Asp .net. Created Chat module with signal r. Want to Add Audio/Video Call with Chat and finally deploy on azure. Web RTC works with Azure ? Any Idea?

anhr commented 6 years ago

I don't have experience with Azure. I can to research your task in mutually beneficial cooperation. Please tell me more details about your task if you agree to cooperate with me.

syedhassanfaraz commented 6 years ago

Hello, Previously i was really busy in development of other Application modules. I just started working on Chat Module using Signal R and SQL as DB. Its initial design is same like Facebook Web Based Messenger Home Page. I have One to One and On to Custom Group Chat Feature. Below is my table structure. 2nd I have found lots of limitations for Chat using Signal R. you can get in touch with me