anhtuduong / UR5LegoVision

Vision-Based Lego Detection, Localization, and Assembly Using UR5 Robot Arm
MIT License
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Visualize Point Clouds #13

Open anhtuduong opened 1 year ago

anhtuduong commented 1 year ago

We need to visualize point clouds. Data type: PointCloud2

anhtuduong commented 1 year ago

@vietxoan\ I have extracted point cloud of 1 object: point_cloud.txt

Note that: point cloud saved to this file is a list of tuples. Where every tuple is the coordinate x,y,z of a single point. [ (x,y,z), (x,y,z),...]

Please find a way to visualize it!

anhtuduong commented 1 year ago

@vietxoan\ For now you can test on any file outside of the project. But if you are interested in setting up the real one, here is the instruction.