ani-memes / AMII

A plugin that adds Anime Memes to your JetBrains IDEs
Apache License 2.0
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Allow options for fade #145

Closed nea89o closed 2 years ago

nea89o commented 2 years ago

Allow a fast dismissal option (maybe a setting for fade time) that disables the fade out of images. I have my images on top of my run button and if i just misspell one variable it sometimes takes longer to wait for the image to disappear, then the combined time of fixing my spelling mistake and clicking run again (especially if i forgot to first dismiss the image and then fix my error)

Unthrottled commented 2 years ago

Right now, things are set up such that the gif will at least get one full playthrough. So if it is a long gif, I don't think the faster fade out time will work.

spelling mistake and clicking run again (especially if i forgot to first dismiss the image and then fix my error)

So you are are that you can click the displayed image, and click outside of it to dismiss it before it completes? That isn't sufficient? If not you could bind a shortcut to the clear meme action.