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Downloader for Crunchyroll, Hidive, AnimeOnegai, and AnimationDigitalNetwork with CLI and GUI
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[Feedback]: Improving Subtitle Font Selection for HiDive #656

Open quamt opened 2 months ago

quamt commented 2 months ago




Overview When examining subtitle files, particularly VTT and converted ASS formats, it's evident that multiple fonts are utilized to enhance the viewing experience. Below are examples illustrating the diverse font styles and attributes applied within these files:

VTT File Example:

::cue{font-weight:bold;background: none;text-shadow: 1px 1px black, -1px -1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, 0px 1px black, 1px 0px black;}
::cue(.Q0){font-family:"Swis721 BT", Arial; font-size:.84em; color:#FFFF00;}
::cue(.Q1){font-family:"Swis721 BT", Arial; font-size:1em; color:yellow;}
::cue(.Q2){font-family:"Swis721 BT", Arial; font-size:.84em; color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline;}
::cue(.Q3){font-size:1em; font-family:"VAGRounded BT", "Times New Roman"; color:#FFFF00;}

Converted ASS File Example:

[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
Style: Default, Arial, 40, &H00FFFFFF, &H00FFFFFF, &H00000000, &H00000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 20, 20, 20, 1
Style: Q0, Swis721 BT, 29, &H00FFFFFF, &H00FFFFFF, &H00000000, &H00000000, -1, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 1, 2.6, 1, 2, 20, 20, 46, 1
Style: Q1, Swis721 BT, 34, &H00FFFFFF, &H00FFFFFF, &H00000000, &H00000000, -1, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 1, 2.6, 1, 2, 20, 20, 46, 1
Style: Q2, Swis721 BT, 29, &H00FFFFFF, &H00FFFFFF, &H00000000, &H00000000, -1, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 1, 2.6, 1, 2, 20, 20, 46, 1
Style: Q3, VAGRounded BT, 34, &H00FFFFFF, &H00FFFFFF, &H00000000, &H00000000, -1, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 1, 2.6, 1, 2, 20, 20, 46, 1

Current Functionality The current system provides an option to select a specific font for subtitles as documented here:

Suggestion I propose enhancing the system to allow users to select or match existing subtitle styles, specifically those used in the converted ASS files. For instance, seamlessly incorporating the "Swis721 BT" font would significantly improve the user experience, ensuring consistency and aesthetic appeal of subtitles across various media content. This font, among others, can be sourced from platforms like

quamt commented 2 months ago

The idea was to be able to add something like the existing module module.fontsData.ts for example:

'BakerSignet BT': [ 'bakersignetbt.ttf', 'bakersignetbtroman.ttf', 'bakrsign.ttf' ],

'Staccato222 BT': [ 'stac222n.ttf', 'stacc222.ttf', 'tt0610m.ttf' ],

'Staccato555 BT': [ 'stac555n.ttf', 'stacc555.ttf', 'staccato-555-bt.ttf', 'staccato555bt.ttf' ],

'Swis721 BT': [ 'swis721-bt-bold.ttf', 'swis721-bt-italic.ttf', 'swis721-cn-bt-bold-italic.ttf', 'swis721-cn-bt-bold.ttf', 'swis721-cn-bt-italic.ttf', 'swis721-cn-bt-roman.ttf', 'swis721-ex-bt-roman.ttf', 'swis721-hv-bt-heavy-italic.ttf', 'swis721-lt-bt-light-italic.ttf', 'swis721-lt-bt-light.ttf', 'swis721-ltcn-bt-light-italic.ttf', 'swis721-ltex-bt-light.ttf', 'swis721-md-bt-medium-italic.ttf', 'swis721-th-bt-thin-italic.ttf', 'swiss721bt-thinitalic.otf' ],

'Tempus Sans ITC': [ 'tempsitc.ttf' ],

'VAGRounded BT': [ 'vagrounded-black.otf', 'vagrounded-bold-cn.ttf', 'vagrounded-bold-ex.ttf', 'vagrounded-bold.otf', 'vagrounded-bt.ttf', 'vagrounded-light-ex.ttf', 'vagrounded-light-italic.ttf', 'vagrounded-thin.otf', 'vagroundedbt-regular.otf', 'vagroundedstd-black.otf', 'vagroundedstd-bold.otf', 'vagroundedstd-thin.otf', 'vagrundschriftbq.otf' ],

These would be subtitles found on that page for the fonts corresponding to this VTTfile. Subtitle Downloaded:

Jaynator495 commented 2 months ago

As you probably saw, we actually already have a system to parse and merge found fonts if it's in that array. The problem lies in that hidive doesn't have a way to actually load fonts, so these fonts won't even appear correctly on their website. With that said, there's no real way to dynamicly download the fonts like with crunchy. You can get all the crunchy fonts by using --dlfonts though.

I can probably add the fonts to the array though so when the user provides them, they will be included.

Tangentially related, but is the font style not preserved in the ass file if you exclude --fontName?

quamt commented 2 months ago

Yes, Hidive has limitations regarding font loading, which affects how subtitles display. While dynamic font downloading isn’t possible as with crunchy, adding user-provided fonts into the array could enhance the viewing experience. In my tests with various VTT files, I've noted the variability in fonts used by hidive, which warrants further examination to achieve more consistent subtitle appearances.

I'm experimenting with replacing some hidive fonts with equivalents from crunchy, such as swapping Swis721 BT for a similar crunchy font, to see if this can maintain visual consistency. I'll share the results of these tests and their effectiveness.

As for the font style preservation in the ASS file when omitting --fontName, it does indeed keep the font information intact, defaulting to Arial.

quamt commented 2 months ago

Adding the fonts manually via mkvmerge works. When changing the subtitles fonts to the ones that are from crunchy, it works as well, but it is hard to tell if they really matched the initial fonts.

IONI0 commented 2 months ago

From asking someone that runs a font archive, there's no trend to which fonts Hidive can use. It seems to just be "whatever was on their computer" There are even some that are likely custom made or very rare like Swis721 BT - Upsidedown and ones like xecrics that couldn't be found at all. Overall Hidive uses 100+ different fonts (although around the 30 most common probably cover 98% of them) and the only way to actually get the rest is probably brute force getting as many fonts as possible and running font collector when muxing.

So try to get those most common fonts and then you're mostly good.

quamt commented 2 months ago

Thanks for pointing out the variety of fonts used in Hidive subtitles. This discussion aims to find solutions for more consistent subtitle appearances, like replacing specific fonts with suitable alternatives from Crunchyroll or other sources.

Experiments are being conducted to determine if changing fonts can help address inconsistency. While suggesting a brute-force font collection is interesting, it may not align with practical solutions.

Please provide the names of the over 100 fonts used in the subtitles to help identify which ones can be replaced with similar fonts from Crunchyroll, for example. This would help focus the efforts on the most impactful changes and ensure a smoother transition to more consistent subtitles. Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

If you're using Windows, here's a PowerShell script I wrote to scan ASS subtitles for font names, which might be helpful for this task.

# Get the current directory where the script is executed
$currentDirectory = Get-Location

# Find all ASS subtitle files in the current directory
$subtitleFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $currentDirectory -Filter "*.ass"

# Create an empty array to hold all font names
$allFontNames = @()

# Loop through each subtitle file
foreach ($subtitleFile in $subtitleFiles) {
    # Read the content of the subtitle file
    $content = Get-Content -Path $subtitleFile.FullName

    # Get the style lines after the "Format" line in the "V4+ Styles" section
    $styleLines = $content | Select-String -Pattern "^Style:" | ForEach-Object { $_.Line }

    # Extract the font names from the style lines
    $fontNames = $styleLines | ForEach-Object {
        ($_.Split(","))[1].Trim()  # Get the second element (Fontname)

    # Add the font names to the array
    $allFontNames += $fontNames

# Get unique font names from all subtitle files
$uniqueFontNames = $allFontNames | Select-Object -Unique

# Define the output text file path in the same folder
$outputFilePath = Join-Path -Path $currentDirectory -ChildPath "unique_fonts.txt"

# Write the unique font names to the output text file
$uniqueFontNames | Out-File -FilePath $outputFilePath -Encoding UTF8

# Use colored output to indicate progress and completion
Write-Host "Unique fonts extracted and saved to 'unique_fonts.txt' in the current folder." -ForegroundColor Green

# Prompt user to press Enter to exit
Read-Host "Press Enter to exit..."
IONI0 commented 2 months ago

From searching all english subs on (almost) every show all_hidive_fonts.txt

And number of occurences in css styles (rough number, probably double counted for some) all_hidive_fonts_occurences.txt

quamt commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much. I compared the fonts in the fonts text that you provided to the ones available on Crunchy.

1942 report: No exact match, but "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Aachen BT: "Impact.ttf" could be a bold alternative.
AdLib BT: No exact match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Agency FB: "Arial" or "Arial Bold" could be alternatives.
Aharoni: No direct match, "Georgia" or "Arial" might offer similar readability.
Aldine401 BT: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could provide similar serif styles.
Aldine721 BT: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could provide similar serif styles.
Aldine721 Lt BT: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could provide similar serif styles.
Algerian: No exact match, but "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Allegro BT: No exact match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Amazone BT: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
AmeriGarmnd BT: No exact match, "Georgia" or "Times" might provide similar serif styles.
Americana BT: No direct match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Amerigo BT: No exact match, "Georgia" or "Times" might provide similar serif styles.
Amerigo Md BT: No exact match, "Georgia" or "Times" might provide similar serif styles.
Andale Mono: "DejaVuSansMono.ttf" is a monospaced font, similar to Andale Mono.
Aparajita: No exact match, "Georgia" or "Times" might provide similar serif styles.
Apocalypse: No exact match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Arabic Transparent: No direct match, "Arial" might work depending on the context.
Arial: "Arial.ttf" is the exact match.
Arial Black: "Arial Black" is the exact match.
Arial Narrow: No direct match, "Arial" might work depending on the context.
Arial Rounded MT Bold: "Arial Rounded MT Bold" is the exact match.
Arial Unicode MS: "Arial Unicode MS" is the exact match.
Arrus BT: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Arrus Blk BT: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Arthur: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Ass Crack: No direct match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Attic: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Aurora BdCn BT: No direct match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Axaxax: No exact match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Babelfish: No exact match, "Arial" might work depending on the context.
BakerSignet BT: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Balloon Bd BT: No exact match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Balloon Lt BT: No exact match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Balloon XBd BT: No exact match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
BankGothic Lt BT: No exact match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
BankGothic Md BT: No exact match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Baskerville Old Face: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Basketcase: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
BatangChe: No direct match, "Arial" might work depending on the context.
Baveuse: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Bell MT: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Belwe Bd BT: No direct match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Belwe Cn BT: No direct match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Belwe Lt BT: No direct match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Berlin Sans FB: No exact match, "Arial" might work depending on the context.
Berlin Sans FB Demi: No exact match, "Arial" might work depending on the context.
Bernhard BdCn BT: No direct match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
BernhardMod BT: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
BernhardTango BT: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
BigWhiskey: No exact match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Billiet: No exact match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Blippo Blk BT: No exact match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Blue Highway Linocut: No direct match, "Arial" might work depending on the context.
Bodoni BT: No exact match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Bodoni Bk BT: No exact match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Bodoni MT: No exact match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Bodoni MT Black: No exact match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Book Antiqua: No direct match, "Times" or "Georgia" could offer similar serif styles.
Boopee: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Bootleg: No exact match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Bradley Hand ITC: No exact match, "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Bremen Blk BT: No exact match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Britannic Bold: No direct match, "Arial" or "Arial Bold" might work depending on the context.
Brush Script MT: "Comic.ttf" could be an alternative for a handwritten style.
Brush455 BT: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Brush738 BT: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
BrushScript BT: No exact match, "Brush Script MT" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Burnstown Dam: No exact match, "Impact" might offer a similar bold style.
Byington: No exact match, "Arial" might work depending on the context.
Caesar: No direct match. "AdobeArabic-Bold.otf" might offer a similar bold style.
Calibri: "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a clean, modern sans-serif look.
Calibri Light: No direct match. "DejaVuSans-ExtraLight.ttf" could offer a light weight similar to Calibri Light.
Calisto MT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar serif characteristics.
Calligraph421 BT: No direct match. "AdobeArabic-Bold.otf" could offer a bold calligraphic style.
Calligraph810 BT: No direct match. "AdobeArabic-Bold.otf" might offer a similar calligraphic feel.
Cambria: "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar characteristics with their serifs.
Candara: "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a modern sans-serif style.
Canuth: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" might offer a similar modern sans-serif style.
Carmina Blk BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Bold.ttf" could offer a bold, modern style.
CastleT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" might offer a similar serif style.
CastleTLig: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" might offer a similar serif style.
CastleTUlt: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" might offer a similar serif style.
CatholicSchoolGirls BB: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar playful style.
CatholicSchoolGirls Intl BB: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar playful style.
CentSchbook BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar characteristics.
Centaur: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar serif characteristics.
Century: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar characteristics.
Century Gothic: "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could offer a similar geometric sans-serif style.
Century Schoolbook: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar characteristics.
Checkbook: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a modern sans-serif style.
Chiller: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" could offer a similar bold, decorative style.
Chisel: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
CityDBol: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a modern sans-serif style.
Clarendon BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" might offer a similar serif style.
Comic Sans MS: "Comic.ttf" is the exact match.
CommercialScript BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Compacta Blk BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Bold.ttf" could offer a bold, modern style.
Constantia: "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar characteristics with their serifs.
Cooper Black: "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Cooper BlkHd BT: "Impact.ttf" could offer a similar bold style.
Cooper BlkIt BT: "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Cooper Md BT: "Impact.ttf" could offer a similar bold style.
Copperplate Gothic Bold: "Arial.ttf" or "Arial Bold.ttf" might offer a similar geometric sans-serif style.
Corbel: "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a modern sans-serif style.
Courier New: "Courier.ttf" is the exact match.
Creeper: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Curlz MT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could offer a similar playful style.
Dael Calligraphy: No direct match. "AdobeArabic-Bold.otf" might offer a bold calligraphic style.
Dark Crystal: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Darwycke: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a modern sans-serif style.
Dauphin: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" might offer a similar modern sans-serif style.
David: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" might offer a similar modern sans-serif style.
DellaRobbia BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar characteristics.
DemunLotion: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a modern sans-serif style.
Device: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Devotion: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar handwritten style.
DimestoreHooker: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
DomBold BT: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" could offer a similar bold style.
DomCasual BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar handwritten style.
DomDiagonal BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar handwritten style.
DomDiagonal Bd BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Dot Font: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a modern sans-serif style.
Dotum: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" might offer a similar modern sans-serif style.
Dust Mites: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Dutch801 Rm BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar characteristics.
Dutch801 XBdIt BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Arial Bold.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
EarthquakeMF: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Ebrima: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" might offer a similar modern sans-serif style.
Electrox: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Engravers MT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar characteristics.
EngraversGothic BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could be alternatives for a modern sans-serif style.
EngravrsRoman Bd BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar characteristics.
EngrvrsOldEng BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might provide similar characteristics.
Eras Demi ITC: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" might offer a similar modern sans-serif style.
Eras Medium ITC: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" might offer a similar modern sans-serif style.
Eraser: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Eurostile: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" could offer a similar geometric sans-serif style.
Fanzine: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" might offer a similar modern style.
Faxer: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Filler: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" might offer a similar modern style.
FinkSans: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "DejaVuSans.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Firecat: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
FirstGrader: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar playful style.
Flareserif821 BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Flyerfonts: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Footlight MT Light: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
FormalScrp421 BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could offer a similar handwritten style.
Franklin Gothic Book: "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could offer a similar clean, sans-serif style.
Franklin Gothic Demi: "Rubik-Bold.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" might offer a similar bold sans-serif style.
Franklin Gothic Medium: "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could offer a similar clean, sans-serif style.
Freefrm721 BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Freefrm721 Blk BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Bold.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Freehand471 BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could offer a similar handwritten style.
Freehand575 BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar handwritten style.
Freehand591 BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could offer a similar handwritten style.
Freestyle Script: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Funhouse: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Futura: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" could offer a similar geometric sans-serif style.
Gabriola: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" might offer a similar serif style.
Gadugi: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Garamond: "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Geometr231 BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" could offer a similar geometric sans-serif style.
Geometr231 Hv BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Bold.ttf" might offer a similar bold geometric style.
Georgia: "Georgia.ttf" is the exact match.
Geriatric: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Gill Sans MT: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could offer a similar clean, sans-serif style.
Gisha: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
GoodbyeCruelWorld: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
GoreFont: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Gorilla BT: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Gothic821 Cn BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Goudy Old Style: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
GoudyCatalog BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
GoudyOlSt XBd BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
HGPGyoshotai: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
HandelGothic BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could offer a similar clean, sans-serif style.
Harpoon: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Helvetica: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could offer a similar clean, sans-serif style.
HemiHead426: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
HobbyHeadline: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Hobo BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could offer a similar clean, sans-serif style.
Humanst521 BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could offer a similar clean, sans-serif style.
Humanst521 Cn BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Humanst521 Lt BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Humanst521 XBd BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Bold.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Humnst777 BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could offer a similar clean, sans-serif style.
I hate Comic Sans: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" is the exact match.
Impact: "Impact.ttf" is the exact match.
Impress BT: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Impuls BT: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Incised901 BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Incised901 Bd BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Incised901 Lt BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Incised901 Nd BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Informal011 Blk BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Intellivised: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Japanese Brush: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" might offer a similar handwritten style.
JasmineUPC: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Joystix: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
KaiTi: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Kiloton: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Kino MT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Kristen ITC: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Levenim MT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Liberty BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Lucida Bright: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Lucida Calligraphy: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Lucida Console: No direct match. "Courier.ttf" could offer a similar monospaced style.
Lucida Fax: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Lucida Handwriting: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Lydian BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Lydian Csv BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
MS Mincho: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
MS PGothic: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
MS PMincho: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
MS UI Gothic: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Maiandra GD: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
ManiacAL: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Matura MT Script Capitals: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Maynard: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Mead Bold: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Meiryo: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Meiryo UI: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Miasm: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Mirarae BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Mistral: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Modern No. 20: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" could offer a similar modern style.
Modern735 BT: No direct match. "Rubik-Regular.ttf" could offer a similar modern style.
Mom´sTypewriter: No direct match. "Courier.ttf" could offer a similar monospaced style.
Monotype Corsiva: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Myriad Web: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
NSimSun: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Narkisim: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
News701 BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Nirmala UI: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Nosfer: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
OCR A Extended: No direct match. "Courier.ttf" could offer a similar monospaced style.
OCR-A BT: No direct match. "Courier.ttf" could offer a similar monospaced style.
PMingLiU: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
PP Handwriting: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Painter: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
PainterNarrow: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Papyrus: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Parisian BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
ParkAvenue BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
PenyaeLight: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Perpetua: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Phobos: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Pioneer BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Plasma Drip BRK: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
PosterBodoni BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
PosterBodoni It BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Prefix: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Pristina: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Quadrangle: No direct match. "Courier.ttf" could offer a similar monospaced style.
RansomNote: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Ravie: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Revel: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
RevelMedium: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Revue BT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Ribbon131 Bd BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Rockwell: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Rockwell Extra Bold: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Sakkal Majalla: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar characteristics.
Schneidler Blk BT: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Script MT Bold: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Seagull Hv BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Seagull Lt BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Seagull Md BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Segoe Print: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Segoe Script: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Segoe UI: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Segoe UI Light: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Segoe UI Semibold: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Serifa Blk BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
SerpentineDBol: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Shamrock: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Showcard Gothic: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Shruti: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
SkaterDudes: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Skrotfont: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Slant: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Slicker: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Snap ITC: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Snell Bd BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Snell Blk BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
SpatCrumb: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Square 721: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Square 721 Blk: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Square721 BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Square721 BdEx BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Square721 Cn BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Square721 Dm: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Square721 Ex BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
SquareSlab711 Bd BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
SquareSlab711 Lt BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Staccato222 BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Staccato555 BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Star Jedi: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Stencil BT: No direct match. "Impact.ttf" might offer a similar bold style.
Stuyvesant BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Swis721 BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Swis721 BT - Reverse: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Swis721 BT - Upsidedown: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Tahoma: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Tango BT: No direct match. "Georgia.ttf" or "Times.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Taxidermist: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Technical: No direct match. "Courier.ttf" could offer a similar monospaced style.
Techno: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Teen: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Teen Light: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Tempus Sans ITC: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Terminator Two: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Tetanus: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Times New Roman: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Tolkien Dwarf Runes: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Tonic: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Traditional Arabic: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Transit521 BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Tunga: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Tw Cen MT: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" or "Arial.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Univers: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Usuzi: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Utsaah: No direct match. "Verdana.ttf" might offer a similar style.
VAGRounded BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Rubik-Regular.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Vani: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" might offer a similar style.
Venetian301 Bd BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Venetian301 Dm BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Verdana: Direct match.
Victor Handwriting: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
VictorianD: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Viner Hand ITC: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Whiffy: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Wickenden Cafe NDP: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Windsor BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
Windsor El BT: No direct match. "Times.ttf" or "Georgia.ttf" might offer similar serif characteristics.
YellowSubmarine: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Yoinks: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
ZapfCalligr BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
ZapfHumnst Dm BT: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
Zurich BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Zurich BdEx BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Zurich UBlkEx BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Zurich XBlk BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
Zurich XCn BT: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
milky: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
squeaky chalk sound: No direct match. "Comic.ttf" could provide a similar handwritten style.
xecrics: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.
zxr: No direct match. "Arial.ttf" or "Verdana.ttf" could provide similar characteristics.