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Issue executing anthro_emis #8

Closed xmiranda2 closed 1 month ago

xmiranda2 commented 3 months ago

Hi Anikfal! I was trying execute this line ./anthro_emis > mozcart.inp, after i modified the mozcart.inp, but before some seconds stopped and this message appear: .... ..... will use source file for BC

get_src_time_ndx; src_dir,src_fn = /data/users/ysilva/WRF_CHEM4/EDGAR-HTAP/MOZCART/ get_src_time_ndx; interp_date,datesec,ntimes = 20230801 0 12 get_src_time_ndx; tndx = 8 map_src_emissions: count of points <,> data min,max lat = 0 xndx_src = 1007 1114 map_src_emissions: count of points < data min lat = 0 map_src_emissions: count of points > data max lat = 0 yndx_src = 734 838

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. Backtrace for this error:

0 0x7f39c8856607 in ???

1 0x7f39c885586d in ???

2 0x7f39c7d6d13f in ???

3 0x7f39c7db3f54 in ???

4 0x411e25 in __utils_MOD_cleanup_grid

    at /data/users/ysilva/WRF_CHEM4/ANTHRO/src/anthro_utils.f90:693

5 0x428c8c in anthro_emis

    at /data/users/ysilva/WRF_CHEM4/ANTHRO/src/anthro_emis.f90:408

6 0x4356e8 in main

    at /data/users/ysilva/WRF_CHEM4/ANTHRO/src/anthro_emis.f90:4

Segmentation fault

Have you ever had a similar problem? Pd: wrfchemi files were created despite the stopped execution.

anikfal commented 3 months ago

How did you make mozcart.inp? Segmentation fault error can happen while running WRF itself. I had never seen it for anthro_emiss.

xmiranda2 commented 3 months ago

I just only edit the original mozcart.inp, I attached mozcart.inp (1).txt