anilpacaci / streaming-graph-partitioning

Experimental Setup for Performance Analysis of Streaming Algorithms
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JanusGraph - Cassandra Tutorials #9

Open anilpacaci opened 7 years ago

anilpacaci commented 7 years ago

Objective is to play with JanusGraph and Cassandra so that you will be able to get some experience about these systems.

  1. Download and install Cassandra v2.1.9 as standalone cassandra server
  2. Download and install JanusGraph
  3. Configure a single node JanusGraph with Cassandra storage backend
    1. Storage backend "cassandra"
    2. Indexing backend elasticsearch (can be simply started by running bin/elasticsearch from JanusGraph home)
  4. Using bin/, create a JanusGraph instance with the provided configuration
  5. Load LDBC SNB Validation Dataset into this graph. You can access Gryo serialization of the dataset
    1. Follow these guide in order to load Gryo serialied data into the graph
    2. You can look at the data schema here. In summary, it is an artifical social network where different objects are represented using different vertex types (person, forum, comment etc). You can play with data in order to better understand the data model because this data model is going to be the basis for most of our experiments
  6. Formulate following queries in Gremlin query language:
    1. Find all the persons located in city named "Boston"
    2. Find all persons name David and compute
    3. Find all friends of Joseph Anderson
    4. Find friends and friends of friends of user with "iid" "person:2082" who speak English "en"
    5. Given user first name and last name, find last 20 the comments created by user
    6. Given user first name and last name, find all the users who have commented on post created by original user.
    7. Given a message iid, find the forum that contains the message and moderator of the forum
  7. Submit your running queries in a groovy script