> 38) Lines 815 ff - leaf pinned-domain-pubk: 38a) The description is a
> bit confusing. What happens if both algorithms are supported? Why are
> the two algorithms combined into one leaf, another one in a separate
> leaf (pinned-domain-pubk-sha256)? 38b) The description contains
> information that probably does not belong here. This should define the
> semantics of the data model and what the data nodes represent, not
> which algorithms an implementation should or must support. Please
> rephrase accordingly (indicating what the leaf may or may not contain).
> 38c) Analogous comment to earlier - have you considered defining a
> separate type for this (since you are very specific about the
> constraints that the contents of this must adhere to - phrasing this as
> part of a separate typedef may make the implementatin of certain
> aspects such as validation easier).