animalnots / BetterChatGPT-VISION

Maintained version of bettergpt. An amazing UI for OpenAI's ChatGPT (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux).
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Save System Prompt for Each Folder #11

Open animalnots opened 2 weeks ago

animalnots commented 2 weeks ago

Description: Currently, BetterChatGPT allows the creation of folders to organize different types of work. To enhance this functionality, I propose the ability to save a unique system prompt for each folder. This feature will allow for better separation and context-specific interactions. For example, a folder dedicated to UI/UX work will have a system prompt related to UI/UX, and when a new chat is created within this folder, it will automatically initialize with the relevant system prompt.

Motivation: This feature will provide several benefits:

Proposed Implementation:

  1. Folder-Level Settings: Add an option in the folder settings to specify a system prompt.
  2. Default Initialization: When a new chat is created within a folder, it automatically initializes with the folder’s system prompt.
  3. Override Option: Allow users to override the default system prompt at the chat level if needed.

Example Use Case:

  1. Create a folder named "UI/UX".
  2. Set the system prompt for the "UI/UX" folder to: "You are a helpful assistant specializing in user interface and user experience design."
  3. Any new chat initiated within the "UI/UX" folder will start with the specified system prompt, ensuring relevant assistance.

Additional Context:

Potential Challenges:

Priority: Medium

canny[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This issue has been linked to a Canny post: Save System Prompt for Each Folder :tada: