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Hiding Parenthesis Sometimes Leaves Behind 1 ) #66

Closed cademcniven closed 2 years ago

cademcniven commented 2 years ago

I had the following subtitle lines: chrome_elvHa1Te1q

which produced the following result when pressing h to hide parenthesis:


soamsy commented 2 years ago

Personally forgot that double parentheses show up sometimes, but this can be fixed by having the regex pattern \(\(.*?\)\) at the top of the regex replacements for hiding parentheses image

And since that seems like a good idea, I made it the default. If you want the new default, you'll need to either delete your browser's local storage for, or you can manually change the regex on the appearance tab. The new regex does need to be at the top however.

soamsy commented 2 years ago

Also I'm not sure why ((僕もお父さんみたいに強くなるんだ!)) didn't hide at all, but maybe it has something to do with the subtitle file you're using. If you're still having issues let me know.